Saturday, April 30, 2011

F*ck Respect

Every so often some tree hugging l*beral stands on a soapbox and states how we should treat all people with respect; even those canine b*ll-licking theists. What the h*ll is up with that?

Little d*ckless pig-f*cking bastards have their heads stuck so far up their collective *sses that only a proctologist could find them.

Why should I show these cr*tins any respect? Waste of my time, day in day out, talking to creatures less intelligent than the local pot bellied p*g. G*d is great, yeah right, and the holocaust was just f*cking awesome. Pimpled *ss little b*stards spouting the destruction of a world from their leather bound S & M mistress; take these orders you stupid p*ke.

Willfully ignoring life's beauty, because the only f*cking thing they are concerned with is death. Yeah death, that's it for the pompous big*ts that infest this earth. Pin headed pr*cks without one redeeming feature; unless procreating with these animals is a plus. Actually, it's a good thing there are so many human animals, the sheep get a free ride. (Unless it's a southern chr*stian c*nservative, then all bets are off).

What mind bending reason is there to not go to your local church on sunday and p*ss on its walls, they've been p*ssing on mankind for generations. Just because they haven't stoned anyone lately we should give the intellectually impaired a free ride? B*llshit, smack the b*tches whenever you get a chance, the only way to keep their smarmy *sses in line.

You want to be an accommodationist? What the h*ll is wrong with you? What respect can be given to that which destroys the earth while raping it for all the profits it can grab. Tax the institutions, parody the pre*chers, be loud and proud. Talk about what a disease the ch*rch is. Its warped sh*t for brains minds that hold society in rusty barbaric shackles. F*ck them.

Have a nice f*cking day.

Thanks to Michel for turning another one of my useless rants into a much more amusing blog with his excellent editing. =)

Friday, April 29, 2011


I am a liar, it's as simple as that. 

If I want to discuss Climate Change with conservatives, I'm a liar. If I quote climate scientists, they are liars. If I quote facts and figures, those are lies as well. If I switch gears and go for evolution, doesn't matter what I say, who I quote or what reasons I offer, I am a liar. 

Science is not easily understandable by many, and I'm not the expert so possibly I miss points that may help someone comprehend a thought.

But even when data is written in black and white. When there is no doubt what something states, the information is not accepted as truth. During the health care debate, once again everything was a lie. They would say death panel, I would show that there is nothing in the bill that creates such an entity, I lie. The bill would cover immigrants, I show the exact section where it states in no uncertain terms that immigrant are not covered, it's a lie. Abortion funding, not in the bill, I lie.

What is it with these people? Usually, when you think of a lie, you think of an action that is done deliberately with the intent to deceive. I have no intent except to communicate a thought, yet that communication, instead of being debated, is ignored by the simple thought.

It is a lie.

Even with the resolved birther issue, (never was an issue for me), there is still a contingent that think it's all a lie. Obama was not born in the U.S.A., no way. The facts do not matter, the reality does not matter, nothing matters to them because it's all fiction.

How does someone live a life where all the data that they come in contact with is not to be trusted? Where only what you think is correct, and what you think cannot be changed. The same group of people that will purposely not even trim the fat off a hunk of meat because they know it is good for them, screw the nutritionist that says leaner is better.

Not understanding the mindset that fantasizes about everything. Those that never live in a world of reason, because for them, there is no such thing as a "fact."

This is what religion does to a person. Where fantasy is always present, where actions happen that contradict reality, where anything goes; where reason is forever suspect.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Christian Confusion

As I pull into the driveway of my conservative christian family to join them in celebrating their holy day, I'm greeted with the usual barrage of bumper stickers. "Protect Our Borders," is the first I see, slightly amusing since I'm in Illinois and unless they mean to keep out the Wisconsinites, Iowans, Hoosiers, Missourians or Kentuckians, I have no clue what they are talking about. Maybe those sneaky Canadiens are jumping on rafts and floating into Chicago at night, sight unseen, I don't know. 

In Exodus it seems fairly clear, "Do not mistreat an alien or oppress him, for you were aliens in Egypt," and, "Do not oppress an alien; you yourselves know how it feels to be aliens, because you were aliens in Egypt." Leviticus the same, "When an alien lives with you in your land, do not mistreat him," and, "The alien living with you must be treated as one of your native-born. Love him as yourself, for you were aliens in Egypt. I am the LORD your God." Maybe they understand the lines in Deuteronomy?  "And I charged your judges at that time: Hear the disputes between your brothers and judge fairly, whether the case is between brother israelites or between one of them and an alien," and, "And you are to love those who are aliens, for you yourselves were aliens in Egypt."

Doesn't seem that confusing. 

Well, maybe they are new testament snobs, but even Matthew states, "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in."

All this points out that possibly christians should welcome immigrants, right?

Maybe it's the picking and choosing style of reading that christians embrace since Leviticus also states, "However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you.  You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land.  You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance.  You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way."

But even this shouldn't create the hate that many christians have for those who are trying to better their lives. I mean, at worst, they could buy a couple of latino children, what's wrong with that?

The bible is a teaching of opposing views that cannot be reconciled, which is why the whole religious leaning bunch in this country should be certified insane. You cannot listen to the teachings of the bible and be without internal conflict.

Then the next bumper stickers I see do kind of explain how christians lose to contradiction, always.

A young family member from the lovely state of Wisconsin proudly exhibits, "How's that hopey changey thing going for you," and, "Walker for Governor." I think I understand. This is a young person who thinks destroying safety nets that will enable her to live a comfortable and healthy life in the future are bad things. No need for social security or medicare, she's got it handled; not. 

The only possible reason I can see for this type of acceptance is that god is such a confusing dick that confusion reigns supreme; they cannot reason. The person looks at a message that tries to instill hope and change and instead sees, "How's that rapey and pillaging thingy working for you." 

They cannot define meanings. They lose to what makes discussion possible. If I say apple, they think orange.

Strange thoughts indeed.

Christianity embraces a corrupt morality, one that makes it seemingly impossible for its followers to make sensible decisions.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Atheist Blogroll

In promoting and building the atheist community, The Atheist Blogroll plays an important part. 

The Cranky Atheist has been added to The Atheist Blogroll. It is a service that is provided free of charge to atheist bloggers around the world. I like the idea and would recommend any atheist bloggers to check out the roll.

You can see the blogroll in my sidebar. Please visit them when you have the time. If you would like to join, visit Mojoey at Deep Thoughts for additional information.

I like the idea of a centrally located list of blogs that may interest the atheist reader.

Monday, April 18, 2011


The theist bane on pornography appears to rest on this one thought; idolatry. Hard to understand, unless you look at the basic thought; the worship of a physical object as a god.

I know there are, what many might find to be, extreme examples of pornography, and my points are not to condone or refute what has become an industry. I'm looking at the basic religious propaganda that surrounds the thought.

Engaging in pornography is as simple as admiring a photo of a beautiful physical specimen that happens to be sans clothes. Looking at this from my own perspective, I can see the problem. If I'm admiring the female body, I'm admiring, well, the root of all evil. (shameless hussies all). 

If I look at this lovely lady, admire the physical characteristics that I find appealing, I have, by theist standards, warped my understanding of human sexuality. Though this is possibly not even thought of as porn by many, it's where it all starts for the theist.

Keeping this point short, pornography doesn't limit itself to one man and one woman, or anything else. To the theist, this is a perversion of nature, (apparently they do not know much about nature). For the religious, adultery, homosexuality and incest are all the products of pornography. 

Lying bastards, if that was true why were god's royal families always screwing each other? Were they watching Shakespearean porn theater?

The religious right's militant anti-abortionist Neal Horsley admitted to screwing mules. This guy runs for governor in GA on anti-abortion and anti-pornography causes. Apparently if you don't watch pornography, you'll only fuck the livestock.

Because of the hypocrisy involved, the entire idolatry thought needs to be discarded. Ministers are adulterers, priests are pedophiles, pastors love them some man. 

Sexuality if taught to a child would rid the world of the stupidity that claims if a person loves another person it is shameful. Education and embracing sex could possibly rid the world of many evils. 

Physorg reports that porn does have an effect on sex crimes, porn might actually reduce the occurrence. 

Maybe if we could get all the ministry to watch, they'd leave our kids alone.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Civil Rights and Religion

After the Civil War, many tried, unsuccessfully, to rewrite that portion of history. It wasn't about slavery, oh no. It was about a state's right to conduct business in their state as they see fit. The problem with the rewrite, and why it never really flew, is not that complex. While the southern states were clamoring over state's rights, they were trying to take those rights away from the northern states.

Since slavery was deemed illegal in the northern states before the southern states, given the chance and the desire, slaves would escape to the north. The south wanted those who escaped returned, and the north refused. Basically, while the south was clamoring about their rights, they were stepping on the rights of the states where slavery was illegal.

Politically it appears we've always tried to frame our ideas so that we looked compromised, we are the injured party; still happens today.

That is why whenever you hear of the civil rights of the religious, you need to look at all sides and make sure the idea isn't being subjectively framed for the benefit of those who should not be benefitting.

In the past decade, at least, the thought keeps being brought to our attention that if some shit for brains theist says they cannot perform part of their job because of their religion, that those who would make them do the job are somehow infringing on the civil rights of said theist.

Nicely framed.

If you look at an example where a nurse, doctor or pharmacist refuses to prescribe, inform, sell or perform a procedure, that allows a female to control their body, then you can easily see the problem. If you are the person looking for a remedy to a problem, then it is your rights that are being hammered if that remedy is withheld. A person should not have a religious civil right to maintain a job that they will not, for religious reasons, perform. In fact, they should be prosecuted.

Though title VII protects minorities, (at least whichever ones aren't irritating conservatives at the moment), it was never meant to be a one way street. You cannot pretend that your rights are being restricted because of the religious agenda you wish to advance.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Cons and Scams

My father was a con man. Spent much of his life in jail for a variety of crimes. Likable, highly intelligent and could come up with a scam in the chirp of a cricket; he was very good at what he did. Sure he would of made a great preacher, could of scammed all the fools legally, but not his bag. He liked taverns, music and women. He enjoyed the conversations, he enjoyed taking your money.

Turn on the tube last night and am greeted with:

"California Psychics, if you have questions about your love life, career, destiny or dead loved ones, let us help you." I thought that the psychic con was declared illegal, yet when I check their site, it doesn't say anywhere easily seen that this is just for play. They have great lines though, lines that my father might have been proud of. "Can a phone reading be as effective as an in-person reading?" Why, yes it can! A perfectly truthful statement, since there's no inherent effective anything that could be had with any type of "reading," the cash they get is the same for the spittle whether in person or not. I liked this one too, "Why didn't my prediction come true?" The reply, "Be aware that knowledge changes outcomes." Um, no, you be aware bitch, that's what I'm paying you for. Continues with, "Also, due to free will, the timing of many things can change." I hope whoever wrote that was at least chuckling a bit at the stupidity of the common man.

Apparently, if my father could of come up with a bullshit business, he could have legally conned the masses.

Religion does it daily, no truth, no honesty, no reality; just appeals to the marks that don't have the intelligence to detect a scam. It is all about wishes, whether someone claims spiritual belief, psychic belief or any other belief in the supernatural. In it's essence, it is the same type of scam my father would have created. I find it hard to imagine that the upper echelons of any church really believe anything they say. 

We have decided that abusing children is a morally wrong action, yet seems to happen fairly regularly in the church. How could someone really believe in the eternal and take such an action? Preachers steal, are adulterers, cheat and kill. Why? Because they know damn well that when they die they're going to die. End of the fucking story. Ball less pricks everyone of them. Con men extraordinaire.

"I wish my life was better, I wish I had someone in my life, I wish that I could find a job."

I am tired of the fruitless endeavors of the mentally impaired, those who would rather have things given to them then go out and work for it. Lazy little bitches waiting for jesus to give them a hand. 

Not feeling very sympathetic today.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Two Bucks a Pound

I listen to family and friends whine about either their own lives or the lives of their children. Someone is sick, someone has money problems and some just aren't that bright. The stories of personal lives go on and on.

You don't need a televised reality series to be immersed in the sometimes dramatic, sometimes created drama, of those who surround you. 

I listened recently to a story about how a grandmother's daughter was ill and managed to plug up the toilet. As you can already tell by the subject, this isn't going to end well. The grandmother goes in and tries to plunge the waste down, instead she ends up with a fountain of shit that ends up covering everything, and seeps through the floor into the basement, etc. That's enough when it comes to details, but really, do you need to watch soap operas all day?

All you have to do is look around you. Love and friendship, hate and anger, drunken foolishness, all on display everywhere you look. The sinister, the honest, the good, the crazy; all spinning on the carousel waiting for you to jump on. Life is good.

I've been thinking about what could possibly be worse than what some people have to contend with. There are real problems, real terror and real pain. There are those who focus on food to survive, those who run from war and those who hide who they are. Some cringe from public humiliation, some wait for punishment that the religious will bring, some die because of the hate hiding in the seeming serenity of mankind. 

There are plights that I can never understand, being lucky enough to have been born in a land that opportunity, at one time, existed. It is an easy exercise, want to feel good about yourself, there's always someone who has it worse.

I have come up with one thought that could possibly be worse for all, and that would be if your only value was determined by how much the local butcher could charge for you. 

Your only value being a market commodity, your only value a dollar sign. Eating swill, living in cages, disease ridden and only knowing fear.

Two bucks a pound is the ultimate insult.

Punch-a-Koch or Ice-an-Infant

The Koch brothers have been involved in funding political candidates and right wing organizations for years. With an estimated worth of 43 billion, life is good. They have a vested interest in not only making sure nothing changes, but that social and environmental concerns are ignored so they can enrich themselves.

The union bashing in Wisconsin and Ohio are the direct results of their influence; they supported the tea party conservatives that won.

This is a full scale war on an american public that is afraid to confront the reality. Heedlessly destroying environmental protections by buying every politician that might make decisions on those policies. Just recently they donated a million dollars in an attempt to overturn California's clean energy law, AB32. 

The destruction of entitlements that the conservative leaders are trying to manipulate through the new budget, again a direct result of Koch brothers involvement; they financed 62 out of 87 members of the freshman GOP class.

They have their hands into every aspect of our political system. As many as 85 right wing think tanks have been identified as being financed by the brothers to a tune of 85 million dollars. Freedom Works, Americans for Prosperity, The Federalist Society, The Heritage Society and many more.

They have their hand on your throat and are squeezing the fucking life out of you, and I guess we all love them for that.

Remember the old Whac-a-Mole game? Ah, what fun, teach the children that beating animals relates to excellent times. I think we should create a new game on that platform and call it Ice-an-infant. Babies pop up out of their mother's womb and you smack the shit out of them. Why raise such lovely creatures in a world, that by your own acceptance, is being turned into a garbage pile? A world where everything they touch contains poison, and what they inherit is a landscape of death.

Of course, we could go the other way and play Punch-a-Koch, but that would be considered class warfare and for some reason that thought has been framed as evil. 

Americans have accepted that rapacious greed is a moral good and life itself a moral evil.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Tripping on Soy

Nobody get excited, this is not a vegetarian/omnivore post, I'll irritate you another time on that subject.

I did recently turn vegan, just to see what effect it would have on my health; basically I'm my own guinea pig. Being a vegetarian for years I thought that giving up eggs and cheese would be fairly easy.

I was so wrong.

Possibly the cheese and eggs were enough to satisfy any craving for meat products I might have had. Now, I'm trying to find foods to keep me comfortable. I have bought dairy replacements for butter and dairy, have not for cheese. No eggs makes for, at least so far, not a varied breakfast.

Started using a few products that mimic meat, makes for a fast meal at times. I have simulated breakfast sausage, Italian sausage and hunks of a meat looking substance to throw on skewers and grill. Not that I need to replace meat, but I do need to replace convenience every so often.

FYI, just to keep all things fair, I do kick and beat the fake meat before I use it.

My first trip to the store last weekend was productive in searching for replacements. As I used them through the week I noticed a common theme, everything was soy based. Soy milk, soy butter, soy creamer and soy in all the fake meat products. Not all were organic, and since much is genetically modified, it makes for an unhappy vegan.

Too much of anything isn't good for anyone. The only fun thing I hear, (from Jean Marie), is that massive soy intake may enlarge male breasts. Can't wait to shop for a couple of training bras, I'm sure the ladies department clerks will be thrilled with my input.

Soy milk tastes like beans, doesn't work well in anything but cooking. Acceptable on cereal, but not much good for anything else. Soy creamer, sweetened bitter beans. Soy butter was again okay, but still had that aftertaste of beans.

This week I went out and searched harder for products. Now I have non-dairy milk that is made from coconuts, the only ingredient listed. Good stuff. Have another Earth Balance butter replacement that is vegan made without soy, much better. Bought hemp milk, have not tried that yet; not sure if I should drink it or poke a couple of holes in it and smoke it.

My point is, if anyone decides to cut down on animal products, or might be lactose intolerant, skip the soy, there's so much more to try.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Budget This

As the federal government gets ready to shut down, the reasons for the shutdown should be made clear. Conversatives can posture all they want, but the riders that have been attached to the budget bill is what is keeping it from being approved.

Conservatives don't care about fiscal responsibilities. More money in their pockets is the only goal, that and shifting policy radically to the right. The riders are the same old culture wars. I think everyone needs a good list showing that these politicians are bought and paid for.

Here's a quick list to wet your appetite. First to protect Wallstreet, Sec. 1517 puts a cap on funds for the new Consumer Protection Bureau. Nothing new there, we know conservatives are here to help, just not help you. 

Then this oddity, 4046 prohibits funds for a government sponsored "consumer complaints database." Heh, wonder what the hell that is about.

A fairly comprehensive list is compiled here.

As for the environment, riders prohibit funds for the Wetlands Reserve Program, the Conservation Stewardship Program, the Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act, for various environmental projects in CA, for a climate change czar, to regulate greenhouse gasses, protecting public natural spaces and more.

Major attacks on the environment, if it was up to conservatives americans would be breathing toxic air and drinking out of the sewers. How fast can these corporate whores destroy the country? Even a large part of the Richard B. Russel National School Lunch Act that rests on the premise that we should improve the nutrional health and well being of children; possibly gone if conservatives get their way.

Americans love to get slapped with lies, we come back again and again.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Fair Lilith

Before happily dead terrorist Jerry Falwell died in 2007, one of his disgusting comments on current events regarded Lilith Fair. He decried that the fair was about, well, demons. 

Yes, demons at the turn of the century. His spokesperson, Beth Bragg, stated he had not read or written the article for the National Liberty Journal, but that he also had the highest regard and confidence in the senior editor of the paper. I would think that says that, whether he wrote it or not, he endorsed the thought.

I enjoyed several of the quotes from the old article. One stated that, "Many young people no doubt attend the Lilith Fair concerts not knowing the demonic legend of the mystical woman whose name the series manifests." Another stated, "According to pagan legend, Lilith dwelled with demons after leaving Eden and went mad after witnessing the execution of her children. As a result, she went on a killing spree, seducing and murdering her own demonic male offspring and then slaying their children."


Six months before the turn of the century and people still mention the ridiculous with a straight face. Amazing, but of course they still do it every sunday in every city and town in the entire country. 

Think about that for a second.

Lilith Fair was the brainchild of Sarah McLachlan. During the first three year run it raised ten million dollars for women's charities, and we know that doesn't set well with the christian masters. It was revived last year, still gets a lot of attention. Great acts, great purpose; all the components of hellfire sin? 

Lilith's history is about equality. One story claims she was created for Adam first, but when she wouldn't obey the limp dick bastard's orders, she was tossed out to make room for Eve, a hopefully more subservient creature. She didn't want to be on bottom all the time. Another godly screwup ignored.

The reason the Fair was named Lilith was to promote gender equality, nothing more. 

The Reverend found it blasphemous that the fair was named Lilith, since Lilith wanted equality with man, and you know that's just not happening in the home of a christian cock.

Though this happened a decade ago, I think we shouldn't forget the absurdity that religion brings us every day, every month and every year of our lives.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Crime vs. Hate

Laws have been written to protect minority lifestyles, or minorities, from being the object of attacks from those with either racist or religious mindsets, by creating harsher penalties. I've heard conservatives argue against hate crimes because they say if a person kills or hurts another, it's probably derived from hate. They miss the entire point.

So, what's the difference?

Bigotry or bias would seem to be the key thoughts. Hate crimes are acts committed against someone because of a characteristic that can not be changed. Either ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, age or religion; probably could add more to the list.

So where does an atheist stand? We're not a religion, we're not any of the above. I have never seen anywhere that atheists are recognized as a minority group.

What about crimes committed by a christian? If a priest molests a boy, if he ever gets to sentencing, will it be harsher? Being young is a characteristic that can only be changed with time, but I've never heard it called a hate crime. How about the killing or injuring of someone who works in an abortion clinic? I guess since you could find other work, possibly the case could be made that the job is not an intrinsic characteristic.

If you look at the most recent case, Dr. Tiller's assassination, was the suspect charged with a hate crime? Is a far right religious entity the same as the KKK? I say they are. The prosecution made the case during the trial that the act committed was a hate crime and that the sentence should reflect the act. The sentencing did not.

Just food for thought, does religion, because of the unwarranted respect given, get a free pass?

The most vocal opponents of the Hate Crimes Prevention act of 2009 were the Traditional Values Coalition and the American Family Association. They do not want anyone to muzzle their hatred, even though the bill doesn't strip their freedom of stupid speech. Priests have to talk badly about homosexuality, it's one of their favorite parts of the bible.

Conservative politicians also tried to warp the bill by saying it would effect the religious expression and religious freedom of millions of americans. I guess talking shit is what freedom means to a theist.

I wonder if all the dissent is a smokescreen to protect religiously produced hate.

Monday, April 4, 2011


What the Hell.

Still keeping my eye out for another chance to mingle with my countrymen in protest against the conservative pillaging of the nation. The wealth of a country residing in a few hands that never pay taxes. Education and social programs disappearing while the fat cats get fatter; does this not aggravate everyone?

I see that it is not only the conservatives, New York is enjoying quite a few protests as well, since their Governor has also decided to cut the same programs while cutting taxes for the rich. That is slightly scary, corporations own everyone.

I've been getting updates about events happening in the local area. Apparently, today they're holding a Vigil. Ceremonies, maybe a little prayer, bastards. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on this day in 1968, and I can easily see the link between his dream of wanting a better life for the common man and scheduled activities. But still, prayer isn't going to accomplish anything, except to get theists to crawl out from under their rocks for the show.

Yeah, I've heard it before, god is great. That's why he sits on his ass everyday of your life doing absolutely nothing. No crime is corrected, no terror will be stopped. Yeah, god is great, great at playing hide and go seek, and seek, and seek, and waste your stupid life. Useless activity for a brain dead population.

For myself, I'm not much into sitting quietly, or might I say reverently, while pushing for change. 

I have my pitchfork clean, torches oiled, lets get this over with!

Vigils suck.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Hey Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?

I know, the title has been used many times to describe thoughts on charity. If you google the line you'll find a handful or more blogs with the same title, though content is different.

For me, this is a political viewpoint. 

Being a taxpayer like we all are, (unless you're rich), we know that our taxes go to actions we approve of, (schools, libraries, roads, etc.), to actions we may not be thrilled about, (an example for me is capital punishment, not liking my dollars heading there). Many actions can be thought of as good or bad when it comes to the use of our taxes.

I think that being a liberal means that a certain amount of our taxes should go to helping those who have nothing. Feeding children that do not have food, doctors and dentists for those who need health care. I don't see it in the same way a conservative might; he sees it as an entitlement. I see it as a positive act.

A conservative would think that direct donations, or neighborly help and community help is all that is needed. That's why, for conservatives, those that you approve of is charity, those that they do not approve of, is entitlement. 

Odd thoughts for odd bastards.

The stats are easily found on the numbers of those who go hungry at times. The numbers are easily found on those who rely on cheap non-nutritional food to survive. A dollar double cheeseburger looks mighty fine when money is hard to come by.

I think that charity belongs as a government entity, an entity that has no eyes or thoughts about who might be worth helping, and who might not. An average estimate of annual cost to feed those in need ranges from half a billion to a little over a billion dollars a year. Last year we spent 171 billion on our wars. 

The price of war goes up yearly, but one billion to feed, or a hundred and seventy to kill; our priorities suck.