Thursday, May 26, 2011

Class Warfare III

Michigan governor Rick Snyder signed into law a new reform that taxes the poorest segment of the state's population and hands it over to the rich. The recall petitions are circulating, but almost impossible to dethrone a sitting emperor. Recall efforts are in place for many of the state's legislators, and that is probably the best bet for change.

This tax basically says, broke Michiganders, you're not shopping enough, not eating out enough, just not spending enough to increase corporate profit. We'll do it for them. We will take what you don't have, and give it to those that have everything. 

We are now patrons of every shitty business we can't stand.

You make cheap crap that nobody wants to buy? Hey, come to Michigan, we rape our citizens and give it directly to you Mr. Fat Cat. Hey, you want to poison the earth, destroy public parks for wealth, this is the state for you my friend.

No education problems here, we are closing public schools as fast as possible. Unions are a thing of the past. A large new poor class of ignorant fucks that will say yes sir and thank you sir for their 80 hour work weeks; no insurance, no representation and no retirement. We are the state of stupid old fucks, all the young ones were smart enough to get out.

And that is how the bill passed. If you were born in 1946 or earlier, no taxes. If you were born between 1946 and 1952, hey, we'll prorate, won't cost you a thing. Everyone else, come to daddy. So that large old population of Michigan doesn't give a shit, not bright enough to understand.

Now the decision is to stay and fight, or just leave this disaster. Hell I can move back to Illinois and get an automatic pay raise, why stay here? 

Snyder, you're a sick little prick. Hide your cash and dine on lobster and pheasant and drink fine wine, you are all that matters, right? 

Monday, May 23, 2011


After surviving the last end of the world scenario my mind was centered on scams. How many times has the church and its leaders conned the public?

As far as I'm concerned, every day is the correct answer.

Yet how many actually pay the price? Very few end up in jail, and by that I mean the pedophile hiding pope isn't bubba's bitch yet. Why should anyone be prosecuted for defrauding the public?

I started searching for data on religious scams, and the first link I check out tells the reader to beware of certain religious scams. Cool, someone understands there is a problem with allowing religion to continue raping the local idiots. In a country where you can be arrested for playing a little three card monte on the streets, which is nowhere near as insidious and corrupting as religion, how do you rationally not include every religion in the scam category?

Back to my searching, and the irony.

I start reading the scams, and they have nothing to do with religion itself. It is about those bad people that talk you into handing over your hard earned money under false pretenses, but lo and behold, it's not actually the church or religion that is the focus.

The "affinity church scam" is about someone claiming to share your viewpoint and lulls members of religious organizations into thinking they are genuine. Then they claim divine guidance or some other similar nonsense and grab your money in what can end up being a Ponzi scheme.

So a priest can share your viewpoint, take your money, and it is okay. He can pretend to have divine guidance. But if you're not part of the hierarchy, don't even think about it.

The "sob story scam" is about someone joining a church and stating he's recently converted. As time goes on he talks about some tragedy that is effecting his life, and the need for monetary help. A few tears and he makes a few dollars.

If this is a scam, why are all the evangelical cry babies not in jail? Same damn thing isn't it? Falwell teared up on national television claiming he was going to die if he didn't raise millions. Well, the bitch didn't die, why didn't they prosecute?

And yes, I know, he's in heaven now because god loves lying bastards.

The list goes on, and most of the scams are the same ones that churches are involved in on a daily basis. My favorite is about cults. Under the g
uise of faith an organizationrecruits members and convinces them to hand over all their possessions.

That sounds like every damn church I've encountered.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Class Warfare II

Rick Snyder, Michigan's newest dick
attacking unions, making me sick
should just smack the shit out of the little prick
but can't get near him, the man is slick

Benton Harbor loses it's park
outlook for that town pretty damn stark
that beautiful beach has been outsourced
making it easy to build the new golf course

Residents can't afford to play
would use up half of their yearly pay
only really one reason for them to stay
to save the fight for another day

Detroit's teachers fired
an emergency financial man hired
so much for the schools that were publicly sired
corporations make cash on the ones acquired

Don't read the news, don't stare
don't worry about how your neighbors fare
don't say a word, don't care
you'll be the one accused of class warfare

Ohio's tea party Kasich
wins with help from the rich
public employees are his bitch
no strikes, no arbitration, you don't have a niche

Public workers can't walk out
no bargaining, the bosses have the clout
no problem, no reason to shout
you're fucked, of that there is no doubt

Chief of staff gets a fifty thousand dollar raise
Kasich does it, doesn't amaze
he's a crook in many ways
all you punks can go out in a blaze

Don't read the news, don't stare
don't worry about how your neighbors fare
don't say a word, don't care
you'll be the one accused of class warfare

Texas governor Rick Perry also says
teachers are the problem with their wicked ways
workers are hostile, end their days
one hundred thousand teachers may be gone, him it doesn't faze

Wage structure pretty fucked up
don't look at it too closeup
the workers have nothing for backup
forty-fourth lowest wages in the states, definitely not a mixup

Three hundred and thirty-five thousand more jobs to be lost
doesn't matter what the cost
tea party bastards are not to be crossed
rich revelers party until they're sauced

Don't read the news, don't stare
don't worry about how your neighbors fare
don't say a word, don't care
you'll be the one accused of class warfare

I am so damn happy not to be living in Maine
where tea party shit Lepage is doing the same
repealing bargaining rights is pretty lame
cutting pension benefits for a little fame

Remove a mural from the wall
that celebrated workers before the fall
Apparently voters dropped the ball
now the state sucks, though the people stand tall

Benefits for state employees he stole
excepting himself in his roll
not doing well in any poll
this is a man without a soul

Don't read the news, don't stare
don't worry about how your neighbors fare
don't say a word, don't care
you'll be the one accused of class warfare

Then there's Florida's Rick Scott
wants the lowest paid teachers in the country to rot
every year they reapply, now they're hot
how'd they elect this failed old sot

Decided that those without a job
their benefits he could easily rob
twelve weeks unemployment for the mob
the dirty little bastard is a real slob

Works hard to keep his own businesses afloat
channeling funds since he got the vote
it's all good for this old goat
just another days work for florida's cutthroat

Don't read the news, don't stare
don't worry about how your neighbors fare
don't say a word, don't care
you'll be the one accused of class warfare

Sunday, May 15, 2011


With the 21st of May quickly approaching, I think it might be time to start preparing for a fun weekend. Several ideas have come to mind, just not sure how appropriate they would be. But what the fuck, if we don't enjoy this one we'll have to wait all the way until next year for the, "End of the World 2012."

I say lets have fun.

Wouldn't it be awesome to install a theater quality THX system on the outside of your house. Early Saturday morning, like around 2 am, you fire the bitch up and do your best, "this is god," voice.

"BLASPHEMERS, TIME TO DIE!" Then add some screams of anguish and rolling thunder. You know they'd believe, they can't help themselves.

That might freak a few people out. Some of of the religious jackasses shocked out of another irrational day of delusion may have heart attacks right there and then. Maybe some will run from their home in terror, jumping off of bridges, lighting themselves on fire, murdering each other; total chaos. Oh, the humanity!

That would be an excellent day, excepting for the fact that, for the most part, christians really aren't that bright. We'd end up with hospital emergency rooms overflowing with failed suicide attempts. Dumbshits. Jumping out of first floor windows probably won't do the damage they think it will. Trying to light themselves on fire with their bics might take a long time, and once they feel a burning sensation they'll be jumping off the local bridges for a ten foot drop into the muddy bottomed slow flowing shallow river; crap, that won't accomplish much.

Wait! Maybe with all the bodies jumping into the river they'll create a human dam that will flood the town and churches; Armageddon!

Oh yeah, a great day for humans, not so grate for the neanderthals. (Fact, I scared one of them yesterday by lighting my grill, there was all this jumping around, beating on chest and grunting; oh them funny christians).

I wonder if the local churches are displaying, "Closed," signs for that weekend. Something like "closed for the second coming," or, "closed to celebrate jesus." Maybe just a simple, "Hey, we're heading to hell today, so it's just us, a case of vino and the alter boys."

Rod Serling voice, "I expose for your inspection the ridiculous, the insane, the bottom of the evolutionary ladder; christians."

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Trapped in a Tale

Are christians just trapped in an old crappy soap opera?

Think of all those you know who are glued to the television when their favorite series comes on. They talk about the characters as if they are real, and even after you mention that they are talking about fictional characters, and they agree with your assessment, ten minutes later they once again refer to a character as if, someone real. They watch their favorite shows over and over. They laugh, they cry and they live with these fictional characters. 

Books the same. I have read many novels more than once, just because of the enjoyment it brings. Wrapped up in a story line that interests, or maybe just makes you feel an emotion.

Those stories that embellish man, that show him to be, possibly, something that should, or could, be attained, are commonplace. Maybe the story is about wizards. How cool, mumble a few words and shit happens. Maybe it is the meek evolving into the brave or other wishful thinking. Maybe it puts man on a pedestal for some virtuous act that most will never even contemplate emulating in real life. 

A good story has a powerful effect on us, we love stories. Being a science fiction reader when young, I have wondered if scientology is just a "good" story for those who enjoyed that genre so much that reality and fantasy melded into a religion. It is painful nonsense developed by a below average writer, yet still enthralls those who are caught up in that story. 

Christians love their stories. Horror stories of astounding proportions. Where cruel acts and intentions are warped into moral actions.

Is that why christians pick and choose? Maybe just concentrating on the parts they love, that they are trapped in. I mean, the bible does have something for everyone. If you are a harmless being, there are many passages that call to you. If you are a vengeful person, again many passages that agree with your demeanor. Are you angry? Are you a warrior? Are you meek? You've found a friend, a book that encompasses all acts of man, one that is sure to have at least one story that binds you to the adventure.


Friday, May 6, 2011

Another Tequila Sunrise and My G Groupies

Before I get into this, I must say, hangovers make it hard to to think.

Saying that though, if you want to immigrate to the U.S., bring a good drinking holiday with you. Hell, we didn't like the Irish at one time, now rivers flow green, everyone pretends to be irish, wearing green becomes appropriate and usually bad corned beef and cabbage is eaten by the ton.

Bring us a holiday to drink on, and apparently you've passed muster.

Yesterday took the bike for a ride, picked up some awesome tequila. Cinco de Mayo bitches! It was a tequila sunrise kind of day, and at sunrise today I was feeling the after effects of a fun evening. I had made guacamole, picked up some seitan, (which I really enjoyed this time) and used it for faux chicken enchiladas. Even tried some fake cheese, not bad. Salsa, chips, fun.

Make a dinner course, have a shot, make another course, have a shot, all the time sipping on sunrises. Happy guy.

Where I live is encircled with a paved fitness trail. Sitting outside on the deck I enjoy annoying the walkers and skaters that pass by; unfortunately some people just can't take a joke, (maybe the shots of tequila had something to do with that). After a while that lost my interest. Instead of trying to find someone that would put up with my shit, I brought out the guitar and played. My favorite activity when the sun is shining and I have a soft buzz. People come by and sometimes stop for a moment, maybe talk a bit, or want another song; fun. 

Then two families showed that just wouldn't leave. One had five kids, the other seven; christian families one might think. The kids found places to sit on the grass, the parents keeping and eye on them. If I stopped playing they would start to move on, then when I started playing they came right back.

My first groupies, awesome!

Did help me take my playing up a notch. The parents were swinging there necks, the little ones, that were barely more than hair balls, seemed to bop to the beat. They didn't have much to say, at least nothing I could understand. But hey, what can you expect from geese.

My G Groupies! Fun thought, at least while in a mind altered state.

Imagination is an excellent attribute, except when you expect people to not only believe the delusion, but to act on it as well. Almost don't want to mention any fantastical fun thought that crosses my mind, it may turn into the next ridiculous religion; scientology anyone? When you have a group of people who decide to treat imagination as reality, it makes imagination not so much fun. Whatever branch of insanity that someone partakes in, are their minds always in an altered state? 

The joys of one's mind to create fictional worlds, to smile at a silly thought that enters your head, loses some beauty when you know there are crazy people out there that may pretend it is real.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

God is Useless

Pick a day, any day, in your life and think about the sequence of events in that day, and what parts of it had anything to do with god.

I'll pick yesterday, only because I can still remember most of it.

I climb out of bed, scratch my balls, head to the can and drain the dragon. Did god reach down and do that scratching for me? No, the lazy bastard didn't. Into the kitchen where I find dirty dishes and glasses, the basic leftovers from last night's dinner that I didn't take care of. You would think though, that since god lives outside of time and never sleeps, maybe he could of picked up a rag and cleaned the counter? Not happening. Maybe wash a dish? Yeah right. Happily I have this device that I can fill up that automatically cleans my dishes, how cool is that?

Next on the list is coffee, I fill up a machine with water and ground beans, and presto, fresh coffee. Did god grind the beans or heat the water, nope. Did god create the tree that gives us coffee? If, as some would have me believe, he did, he couldn't figure out what was the ultimate bean, otherwise why the variety? In his omnipotence he couldn't just make the ultimate coffee bean? Indecisive little twit, except when it comes to killing.

I need to replenish food stuff, so jump into the vehicle and head into town. Twenty miles away so a quick drive. But, if I didn't have a car would god give me a lift into town? You know, throw my thumb into the air and hang on for the ride? No, I'd spend my day walking. Thanks buddy.

It would be easy to fill up a book on just one day of your life where you point out everything that god didn't do that day. As far I can tell, he sits around and watches everyone while deciding who to torture for an eternity. This bugger needs a day job.

God doesn't feed the hungry, he doesn't heal the sick, he doesn't save us from natural disasters, he doesn't physically do a damn thing to earn his keep. God is a useless thought that is promoted by the rich and con artists looking to get rich. God is just a dream, and for the destitute, maybe a hope that never becomes real. Is the thought really worth anything more than a method of controlling those who have nothing?

For the most part, we live, communicate, travel, experience, interact with life due to science. I am amazed that anyone would pick god, who doesn't do a damn thing, over science, which works for us every second of every day.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Brilliance of Being

light brightens the sky
the clouds pale to white
shadows passing me by
everything seems just right

ears binding sounds
entering chaotic mind
having no bounds
mine is what I find

warmth sinking skin deep
a gift from the sun
deer take a leap
enjoying life's fun

morning insects calling
dew burning into mist
arm rises stalling
fingers form a fist

adrenaline fires the blood
eyes searching and seeing
thoughts spread out and flood
realizing the brilliance of being

Monday, May 2, 2011

Spitting on Your Grave

April 1st I decided to give a vegan diet a try. Many claims are made by those who follow the diet, so thought I'd experiment on myself and see how much of the diet is hype and how much is real. I have stayed vegetarian for most of the last decade, so didn't think it would be much of a problem to get rid of eggs and dairy, the last vestiges of my omnivore diet. 

I was wrong.

Apparently I was eating enough eggs and cheese to satisfy the craving for meat. In fact, I was eating so much dairy that I started to gain weight while being vegetarian. This after losing weight when I first started ignoring meat. Though I felt better, and was eating more of what nutritionists advise, I still managed to knock down enough slabs of dairy that I was reversing the trend.

So this is the first claim that I thought would be easy to prove. Followers of a vegan diet consistently weigh what they should. Though there may be an exception, the generally held thought is that a vegan diet will control your weight. After one month of abstaining from animal products, (as much as one can), I can say that I lost 8 pounds. Not bad considering April sucked in Michigan, rain, cold and then more rain. Not out as often as I normally would be, hoping May will be a better month; I need some exercise.

Big ugly guy is getting a little trimmer. 

It has been fairly easy to stick to the plan, even with those who would derail my goals. During the first week of the diet, I was invited over to a friends house for dinner. The couple served these giant steaks, (bastards were as big as the plate), with large smiles. Bitches were testing me, I know it. Big steak eating grins, incisors polished to a deathly glow; messing with the man. I ate my polenta and greens amicably while envisioning smacking those smiles off their faces; sorry, it's how I think.

Then this last week the woman and I were invited to sub for a couple in a monthly euchre tournament. Of course they started off with a nice dinner, a dinner that included not one damn thing that I would eat. Bowls of nuts were laying around, so I snacked on that and drank my wine. The hostess comes over and tells me how hard it is for the body to digest nuts. I agree amiably, but am thinking, how's that carrion doing for you? Really? You're telling me nuts are hard to digest while your stuffing your mouth with, as best I can tell, horribly cooked meat? The wife still eats meat when we go out, she confirmed my thoughts, the main part of the meal, which was beef and noodles, was not very good. 

Nothing pisses me off more than not cooking meat correctly. Torture the poor guy for a few years and then kill him so someone can burn the fuck out of it and throw it in the garbage. Great.

I keep telling myself that it's okay though. Accidents can happen, and certain events can change people, but I have a plan. Eat as healthily as possible. Simple as that. Science agrees, it is not too hard to do, and barring an uncertain future I should live a fairly long and healthy life.

At least long enough to spit on their graves.