Recent discussions have been had on how conservatives are a minority when it comes to "freethinking" sites. You think so?
I wonder why thinking people reject conservative propaganda. I mean, if it's a rational position wouldn't we all climb on board? We have a christian political movement waging war on the middle class, on the poor, on science, on the educated, on education, on worker's rights, on women's rights; does anyone really think this resonates with the freethinking minority?
A bunch of pompous assholes telling you exactly how you should act, feel and think. Yeah, that's attractive. I'm impressed that anyone claiming to be an atheist can claim that the above is not factual and can maintain there tight grip on an ideology that stands for the destruction of democracy.
Conservatism and christianity walk hand in hand. If a christian does something that is not considered christian by the masses, well, he just wasn't a real christian. If a conservative does something that the loyal masses dislike, well, he's not really a conservative.
Lame ass excuses for a lame ass philosophy.
In MI, we are adjusting to our new crackhead conservative governor Rick Snyder. This gentleman's first act as governor? Increase taxes for low income families, increase taxes for retirees still holding on to this sinking ship of a state and then tax any donations to public education.
You know, that education thing sucks, can't let the masses learn how to read.
Now one might think, hey, we have to balance the budget, right? Well, yes. But this bill does not do so. It intends to capture 1.7 billion dollars from the poor, and give the rich a 1.8 billion dollar tax break. Usual conservative politics, nothing shocking to see here.
I went to the capital of Michigan, (Lansing), yesterday to join the protests and see what they had to say. Hit some of the local bars to see what's on everyone's mind. We live in a state where property values have sunk so low that many of us owe more on our homes than what they are worth. A state where retired people lose their homes because of the inability to keep up with property taxes, so let tax their minimal income source even more. A state on the brink of disaster.
So what is the conservative plan to make everything better? Absolutely nothing. Conservatism is a word that is becoming synonymous with corruption.
If you haven't seen democracy in action, here's what it looks like. This is not the conservative yell, scream, lie and disrupt tactics used on health care reform, (scum, everyone of them), this is peaceful. The protest is growing, the largest supposedly tomorrow, so I will be there again.
Will blog about the discussions I've had with liberals and conservatives as time permits.
I'm hoping an idea I've had catches fire. I am encouraging everyone to buy cheap wallets or purses, and whenever that dirtbag Snyder comes out of hiding we will all be there to throw our wallets at him.
"Here, just take it all you bastard!"
I wonder why thinking people reject conservative propaganda. I mean, if it's a rational position wouldn't we all climb on board? We have a christian political movement waging war on the middle class, on the poor, on science, on the educated, on education, on worker's rights, on women's rights; does anyone really think this resonates with the freethinking minority?
A bunch of pompous assholes telling you exactly how you should act, feel and think. Yeah, that's attractive. I'm impressed that anyone claiming to be an atheist can claim that the above is not factual and can maintain there tight grip on an ideology that stands for the destruction of democracy.
Conservatism and christianity walk hand in hand. If a christian does something that is not considered christian by the masses, well, he just wasn't a real christian. If a conservative does something that the loyal masses dislike, well, he's not really a conservative.
Lame ass excuses for a lame ass philosophy.
In MI, we are adjusting to our new crackhead conservative governor Rick Snyder. This gentleman's first act as governor? Increase taxes for low income families, increase taxes for retirees still holding on to this sinking ship of a state and then tax any donations to public education.
You know, that education thing sucks, can't let the masses learn how to read.
Now one might think, hey, we have to balance the budget, right? Well, yes. But this bill does not do so. It intends to capture 1.7 billion dollars from the poor, and give the rich a 1.8 billion dollar tax break. Usual conservative politics, nothing shocking to see here.
I went to the capital of Michigan, (Lansing), yesterday to join the protests and see what they had to say. Hit some of the local bars to see what's on everyone's mind. We live in a state where property values have sunk so low that many of us owe more on our homes than what they are worth. A state where retired people lose their homes because of the inability to keep up with property taxes, so let tax their minimal income source even more. A state on the brink of disaster.
So what is the conservative plan to make everything better? Absolutely nothing. Conservatism is a word that is becoming synonymous with corruption.
If you haven't seen democracy in action, here's what it looks like. This is not the conservative yell, scream, lie and disrupt tactics used on health care reform, (scum, everyone of them), this is peaceful. The protest is growing, the largest supposedly tomorrow, so I will be there again.
Will blog about the discussions I've had with liberals and conservatives as time permits.
I'm hoping an idea I've had catches fire. I am encouraging everyone to buy cheap wallets or purses, and whenever that dirtbag Snyder comes out of hiding we will all be there to throw our wallets at him.
"Here, just take it all you bastard!"
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