Thursday, August 4, 2011


Audio - latin loops and vocals here.

Living as we are in a universe of stars
of bright lights and pretty sights
of webs and lace that our minds embrace
nebula's cool rivers that make us shiver
a tiny speck a little fleck
we are in the ocean of a galaxy's slow motion

With a slight ability to understand reality
we would rather drift in tales that uplift
life is infinite with stories that rivet
but none equal the wonder of reason that we ponder
explaining and teaching our minds always reaching

Some would ignore and deny the core
why others reveal that which has been sealed
of revealed truths like trees bearing fruit
instead of heeding some our leading
ignoring our will creating cults that kill

Some would claim that science's fame
is a fleeting moment and god will not remain dormant
refusing to acknowledge and driving a wedge
between friends and family that should live in harmony
is our best hope a pope on a rope

Not talking about hanging or drawing and quartering
just kind of a blast washing your face and your ass
with a hunk of soap that looks like the big dope
the king of homophobes looks nice in his robes
while young boys kneel commanded to feel

Back to the stars where cruelty is barred
back to the facts that others lack
back to the dance we take our stance
knowing what is right we continue the fight
to promote a society that relies on reality

Living as we are in a universe of stars
of bright lights and pretty sights
of webs and lace that our minds embrace
nebula's cool rivers that make us shiver
a tiny speck a little fleck
we are in the ocean of a galaxy's slow motion

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