Monday, August 29, 2011

Dreams of Liars

I have wondered what it is that religious leaders get out of the nonsense they spout. Is there a prize for the idiot that comes up with the most outlandish story? It is hard for me to think that every priest, pastor or whatever, believes in the nonsense he spouts. Churches should be labeled as social networking groups and capitalists and not be classified as anything else.

It is only big business, and the only ones who might really believe are those easily duped. If it was labeled a capitalistic adventure, like psychic hotlines and other nonsense should be, I could almost understand. But seemingly, even the psychics don't have to label themselves truthfully. There are those who believe in psychics, so I would think you would have to put them in the same exact category as religion. I don't want to see a psychic hotline saying that their service is for entertainment, I want them to man up and label themselves fiction.

They are no worse or better than religion.

Maybe conspiracists are hoping to be founders of a money making venture? It has already worked for politicians, think of the birthers and the right wing funded organizations who use outright lies to raise funds. Smearing the president with false accusations then raising money to continue the lies. Swift boat a candidate and make money doing so. That would also seem to fit in with the rest; and should be labeled as the rest. It is not politics, it is the representation of falsehoods as fact. I don't want conspiracy theorists given any degree of substantiation in the public discourse, I want it plainly labeled, "we're a bunch of fucking liars that want your money."

Again, they are no better or worse than religion.

All the above examples, and more, should be categorized as dreams and lies; fiction if you like. 

It would seem that all the dreams of liars are only useful in the business of making money. Possibly with some, controlling certain sections of the populace is also a goal, but that translates easily into cash as well.

It would be fun if the churches were more like corporations. Sure, I'll buy a thousand shares of catholicism today, maybe a thousand shares of scientology tomorrow, a little evangelical stock the day after. Then grab some Koch brothers supported crap to keep a balanced portfolio. 

All things human are not even close to being good for all humans.

Also posted on Atheist Universe.

Dreams of Liars

I have wondered what it is that religious leaders get out of the nonsense they spout. Is there a prize for the idiot that comes up with the most outlandish story? It is hard for me to think that every priest, pastor or whatever, believes in the nonsense he spouts. Churches should be labeled as social networking groups and capitalists and not be classified as anything else.

It is only big business, and the only ones who might really believe are those easily duped. If it was labeled a capitalistic adventure, like psychic hotlines and other nonsense should be, I could almost understand. But seemingly, even the psychics don't have to label themselves truthfully. There are those who believe in psychics, so I would think you would have to put them in the same exact category as religion. I don't want to see a psychic hotline saying that their service is for entertainment, I want them to man up and label themselves fiction.

They are no worse or better than religion.

Maybe conspiracists are hoping to be founders of a money making venture? It has already worked for politicians, think of the birthers and the right wing funded organizations who use outright lies to raise funds. Smearing the president with false accusations then raising money to continue the lies. Swift boat a candidate and make money doing so. That would also seem to fit in with the rest; and should be labeled as the rest. It is not politics, it is the representation of falsehoods as fact. I don't want conspiracy theorists given any degree of substantiation in the public discourse, I want it plainly labeled, "we're a bunch of fucking liars that want your money."

Again, they are no better or worse than religion.

All the above examples, and more, should be categorized as dreams and lies; fiction if you like. 

It would seem that all the dreams of liars are only useful in the business of making money. Possibly with some, controlling certain sections of the populace is also a goal, but that translates easily into cash as well.

It would be fun if the churches were more like corporations. Sure, I'll buy a thousand shares of catholicism today, maybe a thousand shares of scientology tomorrow, a little evangelical stock the day after. Then grab some Koch brothers supported crap to keep a balanced portfolio. 

All things human are not even close to being good for all humans.

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Yes I'm singing again, audio is located here.

Since the beginning they've been singing
praises and prayers ignoring all failures
faces adorned with smiles formed
mindless actions bringing satisfaction

Hiding in a box talking to the fox
who takes and takes whatever you make
and will use the cash in a flash
for a shiny new car that will take him far

rings and things and stealth wealth
buying conniving fake feats for treats
castles for rascals huts not for bandits
cars and lairs for riding and hiding

brittle is the concept that describes false precepts
brittle is the creed on which fakers feed
brittle is the good book and it's dismal outlook
brittle describes the end of those who pretend

the sin and the skin they chase with haste
knowing and gloating lying about dying
saving and paving cold streets of gold
dancing and prancing greed is their creed

Liar is the word for phonies and their cronies
who've thundered and stuttered and stammered
the ideas we've suffered from words that are uttered
the agile babble from christian brothels

An abomination rules the earth
making slaves that have no worth
out of men and women who want the dreams
of a world that is exactly as it seems

brittle is the concept that describes false precepts
brittle is the creed on which fakers feed
brittle is the good book and it's dismal outlook
brittle describes the end of those who pretend

Also posted on Atheist Universe.


Yes I'm singing again, audio is located here.

Since the beginning they've been singing
praises and prayers ignoring all failures
faces adorned with smiles formed
mindless actions bringing satisfaction

Hiding in a box talking to the fox
who takes and takes whatever you make
and will use the cash in a flash
for a shiny new car that will take him far

rings and things and stealth wealth
buying conniving fake feats for treats
castles for rascals huts not for bandits
cars and lairs for riding and hiding

brittle is the concept that describes false precepts
brittle is the creed on which fakers feed
brittle is the good book and it's dismal outlook
brittle describes the end of those who pretend

the sin and the skin they chase with haste
knowing and gloating lying about dying
saving and paving cold streets of gold
dancing and prancing greed is their creed

Liar is the word for phonies and their cronies
who've thundered and stuttered and stammered
the ideas we've suffered from words that are uttered
the agile babble from christian brothels

An abomination rules the earth
making slaves that have no worth
out of men and women who want the dreams
of a world that is exactly as it seems
brittle is the concept that describes false precepts
brittle is the creed on which fakers feed
brittle is the good book and it's dismal outlook
brittle describes the end of those who pretend

Also posted on Atheist Universe.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Take My Hand

I've recently been entrenched in a discussion about unions and how horrible they are for society. A debate that is unmoderated, a debate where all the worst logical fallacies are employed. Well, I guess not all, but to give you the flavor of the idiocy; yes, Hitler has come up. 

I guess it's not that bad, ad homs are the worst of the discussion. I lost my temper once, apologized and stayed away for a few days, but kept following. The ad homs continued from the conservatives, (they really have no debating skills), and whether the authors of the slams thought they were so subtle that no one would notice I do not know, but I do know that I have no respect for the ideas being promulgated. And I really have great distaste for people who think they're subtle and intelligent when in reality their slams are not very subtle, and their minds are incapable of holding a reasonable discussion.

But then again, being cranky and aggressive, I must say it has given me great pleasure recently to wade back in and tell them what I thought of all their jackass conservative ideas. I went as far as to say I'd love to see the conservatives in this country become extinct. Even as far as subliminally forwarding the thought that I'd be happy to help that happen in any way possible.

Sometimes telling someone they're a jackass, or to fuck off, does blow off a little steam without physically hurting someone. 

And I really shouldn't put all conservatives in the same boat, though I think they all have that selfish thought pattern that makes me want to grab a pitchfork and a couple of torches. I know that there might be a conservative or two who may actually want to discuss a thought in an intelligent manner, they're just few and far between. This cast of jokers also cling to 9/11 conspiracies and other looney tunes. 

I know that someone will say, why bother? It is fairly useless to converse with those that cannot comprehend reality. But, these are atheists. Besides all the debaters being atheists, the majority are liberal, which seems to be the norm for groups of atheists; most lean to the left. Most are a bit more compassionate than these yahoos.

I only waded back in because of the seeming weak responses by my progressive friends. They were intelligent responses, they were fact filled, they were thoughtful; and they were losing the debate because the screaming monkeys of the right brought out the guns and shut up the liberal dissenters.

The comment that drew me back into the conversation was a right leaning bastard who wrote, "those who have been taken over by ideology can no longer see the truth."

Okay, gloves coming off now, I hate that tactic. The ones entrenched in their ideology are always the first to claim someone else is having a problem. 

My angry and not very intelligent response:

"I haven't seen the rich idolized this much in years. Unions compared with hitler, what the fuck? You guys are cracking me up. Why don't you go hang out with your idols? Kiss their ass, maybe they'll give you a crumb. 

History shows you have lost this debate. Scream and yell, get your panties in a bind, don't care. Since Reagan we've seen wages drop, benefits drop; basically the Ayn Rand creed has fucked the nation. The Amercan dream no more. And look at the jackass teapartiers now in congress, hey where's the jobs bitches? You keep giving tax break after tax break to the rich and the middle class dwindles. Go ahead and talk about Marxism, I'll talk about what's happening here, which is easy to see for those of us not captured by dogma or ideology. For thirty years this anti-worker creed has been pushed on the american people. It's failed bitches, open up your eyes. You may be a lazy dick licking bitch, but mine work for a living, and we will get paid for it. You're offspring can live in the fucking garbage dumps, not mine. 
Those promoting this free market crap just can't see what's happening. they deny the losses of jobs. They say Americans aren't worth what they are paid. 40 hour work weeks, no thanks. Minimum wage, no thanks. No union protection, kiss my ass."
I ranted for a while. Probably not constructive, but I was looking for the same enjoyment these people were having, and you know, it felt pretty good.

Every so often I think we need to rant at the ignorance that has been allowed to creep into our society. Every so often we need to show the muckrakers, these liars and thieves, that we will fight back.

Though I have blogged similar thoughts in the past, I still think it needs to be said over and over, fight back. I received thanks from the more progressive individuals in the dialogue and that was nice, but I'd like to see them rant once in a while themselves. There comes a time when it is right to pick a fight. 

It is hard for me to believe sometimes that there are people who hate their fellow man so much they'd shoot themselves in the foot to make sure you don't succeed. What is it driving this insanity, the dusty dregs of religion?

Take my hand, lets make a stand.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Enter Night

For those who enjoy the audio listen here.

In another world's tale
in a land that's for sale
where religion does prevail
and logic is assailed
where reason is derailed
and science is impaled
on a bronze rusted nail
a theocracy is unveiled
the sound of man's wail
but to no avail
we cannot help but fail
when religion prevails

Curiosity's appetite
vanishes like candlelight
remember you thought it was alright
to enter this long night

Conservatives had a plot
using god as a prop
scientists become laughingstock
no need for an astronaut
creationism came as a shock
to those who mock
evolution was forgot
hardly an afterthought
climate change will make it hot
you'll die in the weather's onslaught
you're own neck you garrote
you know not what you have wrought

Curiosity's appetite
vanishes like candlelight
remember you thought it was alright
to enter this long night

Where magic rules what happens
where priests are our captains
and the thoughts you imagine
are left in shambles
for your mind is in shackles
and evolution is a scandal
where questioning is an infraction
against the rich in their mansions
a place where your grandsons
will deal with the phantoms
of science and atoms
and the reality of dragons

Curiosity's appetite
vanishes like candlelight
remember you thought it was alright
to enter this long night

The anointed ones will rule
using the bible as fuel
showing disdain and ridicule
for the thought of a molecule
acting neutral
while leaders are untruthful
you've given them approval
by your steadfast refusal
to elect leaders with scruples
during a time that is crucial
now resistance is futile
you're a fool fool fool

Curiosity's appetite
vanishes like candlelight
remember you thought it was alright
to enter this long night

Also posted at Atheist Universe.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Never Never Land

I've always enjoyed fantasy, light reading for a summer day. And yes, I enjoy creating my own world from the words of skilled authors. From those who can capture my imagination from those who have a vision, an idea that they pursue. During my life, Piers Anthony, Stephen Donaldson, Anne McCaffrey, David Eddings, Roger Zelazny, Ursula K Le Guin and so many more it would be nearly impossible to list; all were friends at one time in my life.

Even with it's religious theme, I've still managed to read Tolkien's Lord of the Rings a few dozen times over the decades. Sometimes it is nice to immerse yourself in the fantastic.

Greek and Norse mythology, fascinating. I ate that up during my school years. Even going back to, what I believe is the first story in print, Gilgamesh, all were great examples of imagination and of story telling. Reading The Odyssey captured my thoughts. Kick ass. Give me some more Beowulf please.

I doubt if I'm the only atheist with a passion for good story telling.

Then think about science fiction. The worlds and life that was created, the thoughts of a future that could be heading our way. Utopias and horrors, all there, some attainable, some not wanted; a blueprint of the future to realize the dreams of man. I read every science fiction book I could find growing up, thoughts of what knowledge may be attained always grabbed my attention. It is a fact that If a teacher needed to beat on me for missing their class they knew where to find me; in the library. 

I guess I never learned how to cut a class or school properly.

But no, we pick the most boring fantasy of all time and try to live our lives by it. A book that will make sure that a productive life for all is impossible. A book that paints all others as evil. A book that makes you hate yourself because of unattainable goals presented. God and the devil are one trick ponies, think of the fun we could of had with almost any other fantasy out there.

How did this happen? Why the story that subjugates instead of frees, was it the easiest way to control the masses? Old greek stories had conflicting morals thoughts, since the gods fight amongst themselves. 

I always thought monotheism was just a way of saying there is only one way to live a life. But then again, there is the devil, so how much did that accomplish?

Throughout much of my life, I've always wondered why we picked the worst writing of all time to honor. I mean hell, Thor was way more fun, and just as easy to relate to than jesus. Out of all the stories we could have picked to live our lives by, how the hell did we settle on the most despicable tale of all?

Also posted at Atheist Universe.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Audio video by Michel here.

Giving us the hard sell describing life in hell
pastors love brimstone fire they think life is dire
their need to plant the seed to the losers who heed
the voice of fantasy object apostasy
outweighs all the comfort of the blind that report
the pain and torture and suffering that religion's leaders keep ignoring

A long and useless life that is filled with much strife
is the curse of the church that needs no rebirth
there will be no relief from the constant belief
that haunts society destroys commonality
humans that inhabit the planet like rabbits
religion causes the social rift lies about death that pretend to uplift

Small towns and big cities infested with abbeys
the stench of foolish lies attract plentiful flies
that perch on dirty mounds on the stories unbound
devised by the unlearned who were never concerned
with your prosperity only their charity
that they think that only they deserve while feeling this pain you can only sneer

At the words that they say at the start of the day
that are meant to ensnare but their lies you will bare
to lift all of mankind from the priests dark design
while theists in waiting continue the hating
we continue the fight debating what is right
lifting the people into the light and removing them from religion's sight

masses in misery religious sovereignty
take the easy way out dismissing all your doubt
masses who are unlearned are easy to govern
with sour beliefs and tales that are doomed to fail
when used as instruction priests have no compunction
the masses living in ignorance gives religions delight and great bliss

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Funky audio version here.

Flashing lights are way too bright
close my eyes and listen to the cries
close my ears to the sunset fears
of christian bigotry for it's time to flee

Pastors cry out jesus will save you
but there's no doubt he'll do it to you
send you to hell screaming in agony
this we can tell it'll be real sunny

Balance lost at great cost
Spinning world spin and twirl
feeling dizzy staggering dizzy
wherever I go it's vertigo

Life is long for those who think
yeah god's wrong you'll be judged in a blink
an eye for an eye with a crime for a crime
just wave bye bye but keep that stolen dime

Punishment awaits that's all our fate
something to relish better to be a fish
for they won't be accused of not paying their dues
no passing plates for creatures of no faith

Balance lost at great cost
Spinning world spin and twirl
feeling dizzy staggering dizzy at 35 is a keeper
wherever I go it's vertigo

On the corner sits an evil place
where lies exist for the human race
a book of terror commands the stage
where a priest can hardly hold his rage

Pastors are men with no regrets or shame
men of sin they are looking for fame
little bastards will rip out your chest
with words from their lips they take our best

Balance lost at great cost
Spinning world spin and twirl
feeling dizzy staggering dizzy
wherever I go it's vertigo

They'll tell you it's love with a straight face
words from above that you must embrace
they'll tell you about mercy and then about hell
jesus's anniversary begins the hard sell

Man is born evil and slavery will serve
else you're the devil getting what you deserve
get on your knees and ask for forgiveness
unless you can see through the guise of big business

Balance lost at great cost
Spinning world spin and twirl
feeling dizzy staggering dizzy ?
wherever I go it's vertigo

What is the cost of a world that is lost
only battles and wars command our ears
losing direction thinking about creation
wandering like a river will we ever deliver
minds to reality or at least compromise
ideas in equality just open your eyes
there's nothing magic except imagination
that isn't tragic but reason is rationed

Balance lost at great cost
Spinning world spin and twirl
feeling dizzy staggering dizzy
wherever I go it's vertigo

Balance lost at great cost
Spinning world spin and twirl
feeling dizzy a staggering flow
of unreason creating vertigo