Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Class Warfare V - NSFW

House majority leader Boehner stated last night that the president has, "manufactured," the deficit crisis. Basically Obama has not given in to the thought that all deficit reduction should be on the backs of the middle and lower classes. One would hope that Boehner is not serious, he should realize most of us understand who has created the problem.

The crisis has been manufactured by tea party asshats who should be drawn and quartered. Well, only after I get to piss on the retards. 

Boehner knows he cannot get them to vote on any type of compromise, so he has no choice. At least that is my hope, but I guess there is a chance that this dumb fuck is as stupid as the rest of the bastard tea party christian conservatives that are hell bent on destroying this country.

Is anyone tired of playing nice but me? 

I wasted my time sending a letter to my conservative jackass representative. No answer of course, Amash is just another jesus dick licker, (meaning ass kisser, but I like dick licker better when referencing homophobes), that couldn't spell "god bless" without a damn spell checker. Retarded little bastards in control of the country, what to do?

I maintain that we should give them what they are craving for. They spit out class warfare every time someone mentions taxing the rich, lets show them what it looks like. The spawns of stupidity that have taken office should be taken down. A good american revolution is once again needed; not against our british overlords, but our new overlords, the filthy rich bastards that are picking every penny out of your pocket.

If you are afraid of losing jobs, ask yourself, "what jobs?" Maybe we should strip the rich of their ill gained earnings and kick them out of the country. Or are you of the thought that americans are unable to start anew and create businesses and jobs. Do you think so little of yourselves that you think we could not survive without these pigs? Unchecked capitalism doesn't work, as the current state of affairs plainly shows.

The fucking lies about entitlements make me puke, most americans work for a living bitches, not like these phony politicians. Nothing more than rants and raves and disrespect do we get.

Disrespect motherfuckers. That's what the tea party and christian conservatives are all about. They disrespect every working man and woman in this country when they bitch about entitlements; the recipients of real entitlements are the rich and the politicians that only create discord for the money they receive. 

Christian politicians, including democrats, are only puppets of their rich masters, mouth pieces of confusion are they. 

I'm not even talking about a physical attack, though punching one of these mealy mouth bastards would be, in a term they can understand, "heavenly."

All I'm talking about is massive amounts of people in the street. Take the fucking day off and show these bastards who is really in charge, because it is us. Put some fear in their bellies, they've tried their best to scare the fuck out of us with their crap, show them it hasn't worked. Give it back. Surround their homes, surround their businesses, kick some fucking ass. Cowardly bastards would run away, for they have no real moral fortitude. 

The dimwit teatards chanting they want to take their country back, lets show them what that looks like. No posturing with weapons for photo shoots whenever someone they dislike, (apparently black presidents), is in town. In fact, if we were real americans we would have jumped their asses ourselves and never allowed that to occur. 

Again, they disrespect us all.

What the fuck is wrong with us? Have we no courage to resist? 

If we do nothing, we're just a bunch of fucking pussies; we deserve exactly what we get.

Monday, July 25, 2011


Your face is on fire, feeling like a liar
enemy in your face, skip the embrace
god this god that god is good god is phat
work those feet get away from the heat

Mind's too clever religion gets severed
from firing synapses where thought never lapses
kick it into gear won over by fear
work those feet get away from the heat

But tales of horror people tell with no sorrow
deserve no fame only great shame
sitting on false laurels they have no morals
stop those feet their eyes you must meet

They try to confuse it's all a great ruse
lies are the static used as a tactic
by lying shills to bend your will
stop those feet their eyes you must meet

Stand up straight you know your fate
don't let them in that would be a real sin
all it takes is nerve and reason that serves
don't move those feet, turn and face the heat

Say what you need do a good deed
blow them away with truths that you say
clean out your mind, of ideas that bind
don't move those feet, turn and face the heat

For audio/video, also posted on YouTube.

Monday, July 18, 2011

The Worthy Life

For those who'd rather listen, an audio version is here.

I think secularists, to the degree they may be familiar, know how to value objects, thoughts and people. How about our friendly theists?

Here are a few christian thoughts concerning all the ways that there are of walking worthy of the lord.

One thought from the bible is, "that you might walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him," which is really stating that every pursuit you have should be devoted to pleasing jesus. 

Now that's a tough act. Which Jesus should they please, the one who promoted the "turn the other cheek" thought or the one who brought hell into being. Compassion or evil, which characterization of jesus is the right one?

I do see a lot of fig tree cursing from my neighbors going on, does that count?

Another thought states that walking worthy is continually bearing the right type of fruit. Ouch. Which parable to use, eeny meeny miny moe, ah fuck it, you're all going to hell. Basically the fruit shit just means that if you live a life adoring jesus, you will be fruitful, (in whatever fruit manner appeals to you). If you are an atheist, you will go to hell; not a very fruity way to live.

Christian conservatives do not bear the right type of fruit, so even they don't understand the concept of fruitiness; which would appear to be contradictory, since they have definitely embraced the fruity thoughts concept. And really, this is a valid point; fruitful labor is to be done with compassion for others. Think about that when you hear another christian politician talking about ripping away safety nets for the poor and elderly; you know there's not a drop of compassion in their fruity minds.

Next comes the thought that you should continually increase your knowledge of god. That could be thought of as a feat for the dim, especially if they go for both books. 

Life is short people.

How about continually receiving god's strength as a way of walking worthy? That one would seem to be easy enough. I mean, according to Paul he can do all things through christ who strengthens him. Probably not herculean, but more like the ability to accomplish.

The usual biblical shit, man is not capable of accomplishments without help; kiss my ass jesus, I've done fine without you.

I like the next way you can walk worthy. God will build patience and longsuffering into your way of life. Ah, that longsuffering word doesn't look like fun, but according to the worthy who have studied, it means calmness in christian life. Everyone knows you're a fruit, but be patient and calm and wait. 

That is another statement I detest with vigor. It's saying, don't worry, god's in control. It's saying don't be concerned with the debate that life is. Do not jump in the fray and accomplish good things. Sit back, have a beer and a smoke, it's all taken care of.

The last worthy, (unworthy?), thought of the day involves continually giving joyful praise to god. Oh god, you are the coolest, the smartest, the bestest, you are the main god, a mighty god who uses the best deodorant. Hey god, someone's shit doesn't stink, (wink, wink).  

These thoughts describe walking worthy of god, but have no substantial worthiness. This has nothing to do with their worth to a supernatural being. Theist worth is based on the controls that they accept by those who want to manipulate them into a state of acceptance of their lot in life. This is deep control, spending every second of every hour of every day of every fucking year thinking nonsense. Though I speak mostly of christianity, muslims getting down on their knees five times a day keeps the mind centered on nothing as well.

I think that if theists do achieve anything in this state of mind control, don't give them any encouragement; it was totally an accident. 

Fucking fruits.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Strike Zone

Christians are the norm though their minds will never form 
into something that creates instead of procreates
cause you can't really think if your minds in the sink
and you allow what you feel to hide and conceal
the reality that is cause you can't pass the quiz

Stay under that rock pop since your cause is a big flop
we know the whole truth for we are the main sleuths
maybe now you run the show but it's only a fading glow
like a fire's cooling embers your mind can't remember
the simple little fact of a thought that's too abstract

Lift your head and pray no one hears what you say
worship the lord man cause your without a good plan
wander over the earth destroying all man's worth
Your time is almost over you see it when you're sober
soon you'll be a dying line and that will be a good sign

Now we are on the outside hanging on the bright side
our time is soon to come while your brain remains numb
maybe you're the boss now neanderthal with a bony brow
maybe you're on top now but you'll soon be going down
soon you'll be alone while we are in the strike zone

Strike Zone

Christians are the norm though their minds will never form 
into something that creates instead of procreates
cause you can't really think if your minds in the sink
and you allow what you feel to hide and conceal
the reality that is cause you can't pass the quiz

Stay under that rock pop since your cause is a big flop
we know the whole truth for we are the main sleuths
maybe now you run the show but it's only a fading glow
like a fire's cooling embers your mind can't remember
the simple little fact of a thought that's too abstract

Lift your head and pray no one hears what you say
worship the lord man cause your without a good plan
wander over the earth destroying all man's worth
Your time is almost over you see it when you're sober
soon you'll be a dying line and that will be a good sign

Now we are on the outside hanging on the bright side
our time is soon to come while your brain remains numb
maybe you're the boss now neanderthal with a bony brow
maybe you're on top now but you'll soon be going down
soon you'll be alone while we are in the strike zone

Faith and Support

My brother and his family were out this weekend for a visit; always a pleasure and always fun . (And yes, he does read this blog so I can only be slightly cranky).

My sister-in-law, who as far as I can tell is the only one in that family with a mind capable of supporting religion, brought up a story about a sickly friend. My wife's sister is battling cancer so this made for a common topic of conversation. My nice sister-in-law expressed the thought that her friend was doing well as a result of faith and support. Because of the "faith and support" context of the story she was telling, (and a few more beers than necessary), my eyes glazed over and my mind took a brief vacation; so I may have missed a few parts.

But really now, that type of conversation doesn't need much in the way of mental prowess.

The gist, from what I can remember, was centered around a friend that, as far as my disinterest remembered, has cancer. Every family probably has someone who is afflicted with that disease, or something as bad. We all know the pain, the suffering and many times the courage, that people either experience or feel.

Out of the two concepts, (faith and support), one is definitely useless, and the other has only slight significance.

The one with some possible use was about how the diseased person's family and friends were there for "support." Though knowing the definition of the word, I'm not sure how this helps in any real way. Their are support groups for every damn thing you can think of. You have a disease, there's a support group. You have an addiction, there's a support group.

These groups are usually centered on emotional and information resources. That's why I would say there may be a possible use for support, but only based on emotional help. I'll get my information and facts from my doctor or the web thank you, I don't need some god loving idiot's erroneous data.

But at least there may be a use for the support concept, not like faith.

Here is where the concept of help completely falls apart. If you are going to have faith, then you must realize that this disease was made for you. God looked at his children and said, "this one's for you baby!"

What does faith accomplish when related to the sick?

Does your faith heal you? No, it just warps your mind into accepting whatever comes your way. I guess it is good for the healthy, "praise god it's not me bitches," but is there an advantage to the one that needs help? Does making one compliant about their situation help anyone other than the living?

Well, "her faith helped her." Mentally thinking this is part of god's plan is so fucked up. The all loving father, torturing the hell out of you, and your faith in the all mighty blowhard makes that torture palatable. 

Christians see great beauty in faith, which means they see great beauty in torture and pain; and death. Faith means you accept life as it is, because it is meant that way.

I won't know until I'm hit with disease that is all of our final battles. But knowing that all those who live until a ripe old age will have that battle, I will accept it for what it is, the end of life. I will not have faith, because faith is accepting the thought that the horrors I am enduring is a plan, a machiavellan plot that somehow I am part of. 

No thanks. 

Monday, July 4, 2011

Jose Can You See: Class Warfare IV

As another fourth of July is celebrated in the United States, we should remember that we are the immigrants. Immigrants that took what they wanted, however they could get their hands on it. 

Population estimates range from a little over 2 million to eight million indigenous people living in the United States when the European illegal immigrants first started to colonize. Bringing disease and war, they took this country from its original inhabitants.

I remember in school reading about how the first European settlers "discovered" the land we live in. It never sank in when I was a young man that names like the state where I was mostly raised, (Illinois), wasn't much of a European derived word. The rivers and mountains and land already had names, the names that were given by those who inhabited the land before our arrival. 

Illegal immigration are buzzwords that we hear almost daily, though it is hardly ever mentioned that the Europeans that live here, each and every one, were at one time illegal immigrants.

For a glaring example of religious defective mentality; think, "manifest destiny." 

Now we have an influx of hispanic people, most looking to find work, safety and hoping their children are able to prosper. The american dream baby.

But so many white bastards I know hate the thought of immigration. And they hate it in an incomprehensible manner. People adorning the bumpers of their cars with bumper stickers proclaiming that we should, "protect our borders," yet, their children are marrying said immigrants. My bleached ass family has hispanic blood running through the veins of grandchildren, yet still hate immigration. It's as though they pretend that everyone in the family is still a pristine nordic pallor, amazing.

To get away from personal remarks, anyone who can generate a bit of brain juice can figure out that it is the plutocracy running the country that keeps immigration in its current state. Wealth loves cheap labor, and why allow immigrants to become citizens when that means that they would then enjoy the rights of american workers?

To take that a step farther, I think it is exactly the reason that conservatives are after workers rights. If they destroy the unions, get rid of minimum wage laws, get rid of child protection laws; they can then justify immigration reform. It will give them workers  that are used to working for pennies and destroy any attempts to maintain a living wage for the populace. 

Class warfare continues.

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Northern Americans just get all giddy when they hear that word. Even though it is illusory at best, it still seems to make us feel proud. 

To be sure, we do have the documents proclaiming our freedom. We have our Constitution that describes how our government is set up. The document is nationally revered by the tea partiers, who don't understand a damn word of it.

We have our Declaration of Independence, which starts with the thought that all men are created equal, then we ignore the thought for close to a hundred years practicing slavery. Of course, though the practice ended it would be another hundred years before there was something that resembled equality for all.

Then the one document that amends our Constitution, a changing document, is the Bill of Rights. This one guarantees our personal freedoms, and is constantly ignored by our government, except when it suits their purpose. 

Amendment 4 of the Bill of Rights guarantees our right to be secure in our homes, in our person, in our papers and effect, against unreasonable searches and seizures. After 9/11 the abominable Patriot Act came in effect nullifying that freedom. The people just ignored the ramifications; a scared populace is easy to manipulate.

Amendments 6 has to do with the right to a speedy trial and confrontation of witnesses, ignored now as well. Amendment 8 was the ban on cruel and unusual punishment, torture ended that one also.

Anyway, we do have the documents that supposedly control what actions the government can take. Doesn't mean much when you have a country of sheep that won't stand up to power, but the freedom is there within our reach if we take it. I guess most citizens of the United States believe they do have personal freedom, whether that thought is true or false, we believe it.

My favorite amendments, and the ones that are constantly in your face if you live here, is the 1st and 2nd amendments. 

The second amendment is the tea party darling. The right to, supposedly, own weapons. Yes, we have a country of death when compared to any other country that has the rules of government in place. We shoot our friends, our family and those who might be enemies. It is the american way for many people, mostly for those lacking empathy or intelligence, or a combination of the two. It really is a travesty that over a million people have been killed by guns since Martin Luther King and Robert F Kennedy were assassinated. Among twenty three populous, high income countries, 80 percent of firearm deaths occurred in the United States.

As has been said before, you can't fix stupid.

Now for the big one, the first amendment. Fuck, this one is fried. The first one is the Establishment Clause, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. That has been circumvented and we have established that christianity is our religion. This was done by creating special programs for "faith based" grants. 

The first amendment also guarantees freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of people to peaceably assemble. For protestors, they know that for the most part that free assembly is gone. You can do so, but no where near the source of your agitation, so why bother. 

As for freedom of speech, that's where proselytizing comes in. Yes sir, you can stand on your pulpit and preach nonsense; it's guaranteed by the law. The U.S. government loves this, because religion controls the masses. Yes sheep, talking to you.

Freedom of speech is not just for the religious, they just cling to it more than others; when you know what you're saying is certifiably crazy, you need all the help you can get. Freedom of speech is kind of a myth, you do not have the right to say anything you want in this country, but you can get away with quite a bit. There is no doubt that freedom of speech is a necessity for a democratic government.

If you think about it though, the religious do not really use freedom of speech to proselytize, they use a lesser known amendment, one I didn't know existed; the freedom to fucking bore us to tears.