Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Planet - January 16, 2013

If you watched Anderson Cooper last night, you know he went after the Sandy Hook conspiracists. Whack jobs from every nook and cranny in the U.S. have come together to spit on the good people of Newtown, people who are grieving for the loss of their sons and daughters. Since he, (Anderson), is part of the despicable main stream media, why listen to him when it's easier and more fun to just make stuff up?
This is not going to be a nice post, so move on if you can't stand profanity.
You gone?
These mother fucking cretins are shitting on the lives of their fellow Americans. They don't give a fuck about the dead. And, to make matters worse, they have a professor in their midst. James Tracy, a professor at Florida Atlantic University is claiming that the shootings were handled by the government, that mourning parents are actors, that none of this really happened.
I guess you don't have to be a tea chugging moron to be nuttier than a pound of pistachios.
To understand the crazy, look at this guy; another conspiracist. The mindset of a human pig. Look at the books behind him, which are probably every book he's ever fucking read except for the bible, and you will notice a common theme. Even his site shows that reality is something he's unfamiliar with, it's called the stench of truth. Yeah, truth stinks bitch, that's why you make up your own version of reality.
Did this guy make you mad? Should we ignore because he's in the minority? That's what liberals do, we reason our way out of bitch slapping this guy back to his poor mother's womb. 
I was kind of hoping his head would explode, but severely disappointed once again. I know I'm supposed to be a peaceful liberal, but if this guy was ranting like this in my presence, I'd break the little bitch.
Back to the professor. He is ranting about how he may lose his job, which he claims doesn't bother him since if free speech is not allowed at his university, he doesn't want to be there anyway. I guess he thinks he's taking the high ground, sorry little one, yelling fire is not protected speech. There are sites and videos that I will not post calling this puke a "hero" and a "patriot." It would seem that dumping on your fellow humans is a noble profession.
The comments that gleefully commend this ass wipe for speaking up are atrocious. What little minds humans actually have:
"Great work professor! We are out here and we support you! And for all those cooks who can’t handle any other possibilities besides what is spoon-fed them by the talking heads on TV: “It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it” – Aristotle"
Yeah, great work belittling the pain and suffering of your fellow man.
"We must appreciate the message the regime is sending to would be public intellectuals nation wide: those who raise questions are the most evil of morally depraved monsters. We should also recognize the coincidence of this tragedy, and the consequent possibility of the disarming of the (largely) rural poor at a time of concomitant movement of power up from the people toward the new billionaire financial aristocracy worldwide. If indeed this is theater, then its role in the global action against the people of the West is clear: a concerted effort to deprive rural people of their estimable concrete power of arms, who might join even in struggles to liberate cities captured by the rapidly-accelerating machinery of scarcity and austerity–launched through the mechanisms of social-sovereign debt–struggles possibly against the rise of new kings and brutal plutocrats, especially as our nation itself is on the verge of total collapse at the mercy of the global financiers."
Dumbass. What power of arms? And what the hell are you talking about? 
Even the older gentleman who emotionally discussed the event after taking in 6 children who ran from the massacre is a target. According to the conspiracy dudes, he's either a liar or a child molester. Soon none of us will partake in a charitable act, the lunatics will turn us all into hermits of the soul; afraid to help because of the target it draws on our acts of compassion.
Too many Americans are way too invested in their little, stupid fucking, uncaring, worlds. Immoral little bitches gleefully bullying those who had sons and daughters die in a brutal massacre. Whether it's 9/11, whether it is a natural disaster like Katrina; these people live on our torment, our sadness and our humanity.
I know that bullshit is tossed our way at every corner as we take that walk through life. I know propaganda surrounds us and tries to beat our minds into submission. But really, sobbing parents are a main stream media lie? Dead children a lie? A whole town participating in a government scam to control your fucking weapons. Fuck you.
This country does need a war. A war against stupidity. A war against the morons who hate life so much that they must scorn it at every opportunity. The dumb asses who make a buck off of tormenting those who only desire support, not a conspiracy. I hate the cowards. I hate the yammering that confuses reality, I hate their pretense at being men.
Is it freedom to fuck with your neighbor, or does the freedom reside in the neighbor kicking you in the balls for fucking with him? Please come to me you little fucking cowards. Take a break from jacking off for a moment and get off that couch. I'll be happy to show you what a man is. Bring your fucking guns you little pissants, bring your moronic ignorance and little balls; come to papa.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

A Sunday Planet - January 6, 2013

Wisconsin State Senator Glenn Grothman finished off 2012 with a press release declaring that Kwanzaa is a made up holiday that liberals are shoving down America's throat to divide the country. Apparently we brought in a shiny brand new year with the same old tarnished white guys.
Speaker of the House John Boehner was reelected; barely. Tea party insanity will continue, there were even votes for Allen West, who isn't even serving in the coming term. The first vote came from my crazed representative Justin Amash, who picked Raul Labrador, the representative from Idaho. Have no clue who he is, but if my guy voted for him, he must be one tasteless fruitcake.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton received the usual respect from the right. After a hospital stay to take care of a blod clot, which doctors state was possibly life threatening, our friendly compassionate conservatives decided the medical condition was fabricated. Dancing on the woes of the ill is nothing new from the right, many Americans have seen that dance in their own lives. I haven't heard an apology from that side, the party has not changed no matter how many pundits insist they must.
In fact, millions of Americans in need are being shafted by the right. No relief funds for the east coast victims of Sandy. Instead once again, a bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act was voted on. Thirty three times they've wasted our time and money voting on nonsense while Americans suffer. 
The only good news I could find concerning our conservative friends was about former House Majority Leader Tom Delay getting three years in prison for money laundering. I think most conservatives should be locked up for crimes against humanity, but Americans are cowards and will not stand up to authority.
Though all Americans are being ignored by the compassionate conservatives, women are still taking the the brunt of the most atrocious inaction by the legislators still in office.

The Violence Against Women Act was not reauthorized by the House. Apparently the bill included protections for immigrants, the LGBT community and native Americans and our compassionate conservatives, (yes, I am enjoying these two words today), decided that some of us are not deserving of protection.
Women, you're getting dumped on early in 2013.
A site is allowing anonymous tips on women who may be prostitutes. If you're the lucky woman that some neanderthal wishes to mess with, he can post your name on this site, and for you to remove it you will have to ante up. Extortion at its best as crudeness reigns supreme.
Texas has successfully defunded Planned Parenthood. What is mind boggling is that woman haven't left the state in droves yet. Find a new doctor ladies, one that Texan men approve of; if you're allowed to leave the house that is.
Steubenville Ohio is geting a lot of attention after images and a video of a young man laughing about the rape were circulated. The young lady was carried to three different parties while passed out. Apparently it is amusing to some to rape, sodomize and urinate on a young lady. What an awesome culture we have in the U.S. Anonymous's KnightSec is gathering all the data on one site. At times we are disgusting animals. Quit pointing your fingers overseas at humans doing horrible things to other humans and look in your own backyard.
Are you feeling the hate yet ladies?
In Virginia, legislation is going into effect that will close many of the state's abortion clinics. I hear the demand for coat hangers is on the rise. Excuse that last line, but what are you waiting for?
This is how bad it is. In Texas, two ladies were pulled over for allegedly tossing a cigarette butt out the window. The officer tells the ladies he smells marijuana and wants to search the car. They let him search, no marijuana found. He then gives a sobriety test to the driver, she passes. He still decides they are druggies, so he tells them he has to search their bodies. He calls in a female trooper who dons some latex gloves and goes to work. One finger probes the rear, two the front; state troopers are your new gynecologists. 
Ladies, not only are you figuratively being stomped on, you're literally being pissed on.

The gentleman who helped get lead out of our gasoline, Howard Mielke, is now looking at America's cities. Apparently lead content in the soil is high enough to be dangerous. Hey Timmy, why don't you go out and play for a while.
Another year for climate change record-breaking that will more than likely go unnoticed in the States. Drill for it, refine it, burn it; keep it going until the planet dies. On a recent drive through central Illinois I noticed the wind farms spread around the Bloomington area. Apparently it's brought in almost six billion to the local economy and is providing safe renewable energy. Oil lobbyists will continue to pay off conservatives to stop us from progressing into fossil fuel independence. So compassionate.
The desire to ignore the destruction of our planet continues. The NOAA has decided to not investigate the wildly underestimated BP oil spill. Keep those blinders on America.
A twisted Farm Bill was extended by congress. The usual planet destroying moves by our compassionate conservatives is so commonplace as to be expected. Five billion in subsidies to industrial farms for corn, soy and wheat while organics, beginning farmers, locally grown food and conservation efforts were decimated. Though I understand the need for production, I'm not sure that should trump any attempts to create sustainable farming methods. 
Mountain top removal in the Appalachians is being linked to American illness. The easy access to coal continues even though 21 peer-reviewed scientific studies have confirmed what we already suspected; besides over 500 permanently destroyed mountains, if you live in the area you can expect a shorter lifespan than the rest of the country. 50% more odds of dying of cancer and 42% more likely birth defects than those who live in other parts of the Appalachians. The refrain is getting boring, but fossil fuels kill.
In New Hampshire, House of Representatives conservatives were outraged that they can not carry a concealed gun into the chamber. What the heck is wrong with these people? This is not the wild west. Basically the argument these fine gentlemen made was that credit cards and pens were just as dangerous as that Glock under your coat.
Keep on killing Americans, it's what you do best.

Our less evolved friends at FOX have climbed another rung in their goal to reach heretofore unknown heights of ridiculousness. The bastion of hate and irrelevance continues to annoy. I don't think people realize how odd they really are. Their latest war is on yoga and those crazed yoga nazis. The wussification of American is continuing, in their eyes, by allowing children to do yoga. 
Yeah, sit the little monkeys on a couch with a bag of Cheetos in one hand and a game controller in the other. War games for all, kill kill kill.

I was updating my blog yesterday, (have been ignoring it for a few months), and noticed I actually had a reply to one! 
Come on now, give me some of that loving:
Explain to me what happens after we croak AND our body rots in the grave, turning into Riga Mortizzze? Can't, can you? Very good. I'll do the explain'n. Our soul's indelible (never dying, eternal, living-after-death), thus, they rise to be Divinely Judged. Git the picture?? Whetha you wanna believe me or not is fine, yet, that's the axiomatic fact. Here's what I'd do. Go to your local Catholic choich and enroll in the RCIA; should be over within 9 months, long enough to have a spiritual 'baby' on your hands --- If God doesn’t exist, why do you hate Him so much? If God does exist, why don’t you follow us Home to Heaven Above if you‘re gonna croak as I am? How long do we have to enjoy this finite existence? 77ish, measly years? Compared to the length and breadth of eternity, 77ish years is like the micron of a nanometer in the whole, bloody, universe; thus, our soul’s eternal whether you wanna believe in us or not. So, why don’t we have a BIG-ol, roxx-our-holy-soxx, party-hardy celebrating our resurrection for many eons? Heaven TOTALLY kicks-ass for eternity. Thank you proFUSEly, for the wick is running out on U.S. _thewarningsecondcoming.com_
Thank you so much. When the theists find you you've finally arrived.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

In the mind of a theist, god created everything. According to the christian right, he created the earth, water and air; apparently for us to destroy. Burning fossil fuels, poisoning your food, willfully torturing our cousins; you name it, they will ravage it all. This is not my imagination, it is vocalized constantly when I'm chatting with my conservative friends. When an industry pollutes the environment, they gleefully say "that's freedom!" A mindset that spells ruin for the many. Many conservative christians believe that capitalism is the freedom to destroy you and yours.
"The hand of god scooped up some dirt
desiring pain and agony
with our futures he would flirt
creating flawed man for sinning
some were delighted
some were dismayed
some decided to fight it
some the fantasy swayed"
God is perfection and has a plan for all, unfortunately that means agony and torture for the many. Yet he is the designer of all things that grow, and all things that change. He is the mover of planets and stars, he is the origin of all that is right. He created you then gave you free will, punishing you for not knowing the difference between right and wrong; making sure he had plenty of souls to torment. His intelligence is weak, no science to be found. Magic is what rules his world.
"A story for cretins, fairy tales for infants
a blueprint for destruction a plan for man
a vision for the future created in an instant
a vision for death the only plan
blind eyes see nothing
deaf ears hear nothing
a mute tongue says nothing
a closed mind is nothing"
Revel in reality. Embrace this life, for we know there is no other. Aware of the odds that put us on this planet, but not owing that life to any master. No slavery comes from science, only from myth. Put me on that underground railroad and set my mind free. I need nothing from the mystics, nothing from the oracles, nothing from the mediums, nothing from the slaves of god.
"Worries about a next life ruining your only life
hell and damnation awaits those who live
punishment is cruel, just ask Lot's wife
your life is the lord's and he expects you to give
give him your work, your earnings, your mind
give him the blood he dearly craves
give him allegiance that only the blind
give in futility and carry to the grave"

Spaceships rocket into space, jets fly across the planet, buildings rise, doctors heal, mathematics explain life, life sciences map out our history, morality we embrace to survive; all done without a god.
"Why worry the thought open your eyes
to the joy of a living planet
no time to waste hoping for a prize
the future is not chiseled in granite
the planet spins without fool's spells
the planet evolves if we don't kill
the planet will survive without hell
the planet we should enjoy never getting our fill"
In the beginning there was a beginning. Hundreds of millions of years for life to form. No magic no spells, only the steadily forward motion of life. God didn't create it, the ingredients for life exist everywhere. God didn't create it, the slow hands of time encouraged it. God didn't build it, only perverted the morals of man. God didn't build it, science observes the reality. God didn't build it, his mind is small, his morals corrupt, his commands atrocious. God didn't give you the right to wreck a planet, you use him to justify your greed.
God didn't build it, we did. Take responsibility