Saturday, February 11, 2012

I'm an Atheist

For those who enjoy listening: I'm an Atheist.mp3

I'm a lover not a hater
I'm a savior that's not a faker
I'm a pusher 
for the future
and yes
I'm an atheist

I'm an anvil for morals
just begging for a hammering
I'm a creator 
not a destroyer
you know
I'm an atheist

I'm a feeler for all creatures
a champion for my cousins
a blasphemer
and an instigator
and damn right
I'm an atheist

I'm a shiver in your river
a wake in your lake
a caretaker
of the earth
and proudly
I'm an atheist

I'm a singer, I'm a writer
I'm a poet on a pulpit
a wordsmith 
lacking myth
talented and
Yes, I'm an atheist

I'm words without censors
I'm a changer getting bolder 
I'm the asker 
and the answer
and yes
I am an atheist

I'm like mace in the face
to the theist and his priest
no trouble
popping that bubble
I'm an atheist

I'm a blight on their fight
a drought on their thoughts
a brawler 
and a fighter
and damn right
I'm an atheist

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Another Fish Tail

I am a fish, a very dry one. I hang out on the deck, flipping my fins uselessly. The air doesn't seem to care. I watch the water, wanting to flip in, but it is filled with non-swimming humans. 

Now, I know that humans swim, at least when they are young. But here is water filled with humans who have lived a long life, but apparently nowhere near water. All I need is some space; a path to make it from one side to the other of this body of water. But groups of humans are hanging out everywhere. No one moving. A few water wings and floating devices are glimpsed every so often, but not a splash anywhere.

Looking at the obstacle course, I think I will turn into fish jerky by the time I can get my scales a dunking. Will they ever leave? Squatting in my pond, hats on their heads, glasses on; what the hell? You can't swim like that! Chatting and laughing, so I guess it must be fun, but can't they do this on the deck? Not much difference that I can tell.

Then a few start to move towards the steps, hurray! Maybe soon will be able to get wet and a little exercise. I watch a few humans slowly move out with glee. Then I notice their bottoms are very large, better not be a depends day or some old fuck is getting their ass kicked. Jo informs me that it is probably real body features, since she says there are slimmer garments for people in pools. Doesn't make me much happier, but have to go with the flow. 

Slowly they depart and I think, "I'll let the chemicals swirl around for awhile before I jump in." Yeah, that's the ticket. Sterilize the crap. Then I notice a new group starting to get in. Damn. The pool is heated, yet they go in one step at a time, getting used to the water slowly. "Get your asses in there bitches!" Though I want to yell that I refrain and watch. Slowly my scales turn to parchment as I watch more bobbing; great.

Now I'm thinking I will never get in, might as well give up. Then a slow exodus happens once again. Woohoo! This time I'm going to get in. Down to about three people and they're all in the shallow end. Oh yeah. I flip up to the edge of the deep end and notice the large signs saying no diving. Really? Hell, from what I've seen they should have signs that say, "no swimming," or maybe, "no splashing."

There hasn't been a single splash of water since I've been laying here.

The "no diving" signs are accompanied by the warning, "shallow water." I guess that's the reason for no diving, but the depth marker on the side of the pool says, "six feet." Damn, give me three feet and I can dive in safely.

Okay, so no diving. I jump, (it's not diving), into the deep end of the pool and plunge to the bottom. Finally relief. Hang out on the bottom for awhile, hoping not to see anything that looks like a baby ruth, then pop out like a cork on a shaken bottle of Dom Perignon. I look around and see the startled faces of the crowd. Their faces saying "what the hell is going on here?" Screw them.

Only three left, so I slowly start swimming the deep end. As I grab a breath I notice the last three looking at me. They move to the steps needing to escape I guess. Well, now the water is mine. I swim a few laps, do a couple laps under water; you know, having fun.

No one joins me.

After a half hour I decide to let them have the pool back. I get out, feeling the angry stares of my peers. I almost feel like I've ruined their day. I'm trying to figure out what is up here. I can't ever see being in a pool and not moving. Is this going to happen to me? Does aging limit the body so much that floating around a pool all on your own is too difficult. I've heard them conversing with each other about church and religion. Hell, they're all part of the blessed group, what are they afraid of? Come on, say a few "Hail Mary's" and go for it. Get under the damn water. Pretend you're being reborn or something. Show me some, (not literally), balls. You people don't look that frail.

I wonder if I should ask them if they've ever been swimmers. I feel the need for the answer. I want to know if this is the destination I'm speeding towards. If it is, I'm not liking.

Today I will return. It is sunny and beautiful. Hopefully when they see me they'll just get the fuck out of my way.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

No One Cares

What a grand day it will be when no one cares. A day I hope to live to see. Right now every jackass pastor, or priest, or whatever name some simpleton wants to call himself, has a say in American life.

Besides the crackheads who come out before every election yammering about whatever current conspiracy bullshit they are embracing, we have a group of prominent nut fucks influencing society. Thanks to Rick Warren, David Barton, James Dobson, Joyce Meyer and a slew of other bumbling bimbos, we as a country are unable to engage in discussions about real problems.

Take one of Warren's quotes, “Trusting God completely means having faith that He knows what is best for your life. You expect Him to keep His promises, help you with problems, and do the impossible when necessary.” What a horrific statement to make. Hey, you broke ass slob, relax, this is god's plan for you. Accept your plight, behave, it's all taken care of. 

How easy it is to control the sheep. Obey motherfuckers and you will be rewarded with an eternal life of sucking ass.

Barton is revising American history as quickly as he can. His statements, though proven false over and over, make for disturbing reading, especially when so many believe his falsehoods. Yeah buddy, we know, Jesus talked about the minimum wage and capital gains taxes. Fuck, these guys will say anything to make a buck. I mean, this is what religion is all about, show me the money. 

Morality from the rich perverted pukes is about you suffering, and them partying.

Dobson is a totally insane perverted soul. If you see him near your children, strike first. This guy thinks that "Pain is a marvelous purifier. . . It is not necessary to beat the child into submission; a little bit of pain goes a long way for a young child. However, the spanking should be of sufficient magnitude to cause the child to cry genuinely." He continues with "Some strong-willed children absolutely demand to be spanked, and their wishes should be granted. . . Two or three stinging strokes on the legs or buttocks with a switch are usually sufficient to emphasize the point, 'You must obey me.'"

How about I get a club and you obey me bitch, okay? Kick his ass immediately if you see him around children.

Every one of the top religious figures in the U.S. is bat shit crazy. Every one of them controls the lives of literally thousands, destroying the country with lies. Even women, who you'd think that by now would understand that religion is the shackles that holds them in bondage, are on the bandwagon. Joyce Meyer teaches her flock how to get better every day; just fucking say it and believe it. The exact quote, "The healing power of God is working in me right now. Every day I get better and better in every way.” No. If your sitting around with your thumb up your ass every day, it's not gettting better. You will only get better by learning something, by attempting a task, by being creative. Affirmations are useless, unless lying to yourself feels good and you have no goal in life but mental masturbation.

So many dumb fuckers wandering around telling people things that in no way help that person or the country.

What I'd like to see before I die are people ignoring the religious right. That when they come out and make some immoral foolish remark, nobody cares. Never again to be taken seriously by the vast majority of the country. That for once and for all they become the laughing stock of the world at large and are left behind with the rest of man's delusion of spiritual grandeur.

Friday, February 3, 2012

You Know It

Listening is fun: You Know It.mp3

You say its class warfare
if you share with the country
profits made by all our work
this is not fair
You buy the government
you lobby for death
all in the name of profits
that is stolen from the people

You know it
You know it

You make war on the world
citing your fears
killing children
the poor starve
your money is stolen
and you move it out of the country
profits from sweat houses
profits from child labor

You know it
You know it

We let you have control
you fuck it up
we let you run our lives
you destroy them
you run the world
you make the decisions
your name is death
soon the world will die

You know it
You know it

It's about selfishness
and you
it's about greed
and you
it's about gluttony
and you
it's about you
time for you to be stripped
of control since you destroy
the earth that we need
the air water and food

You know it
You know it

The time is coming
you see the uprisings
your time will soon be up
the people are speaking
your rule is done
you've destroyed the country
a society in servitude

You don't care
we know it
and you just suck
we know it

Time for you fucks to go


Listen: Republiscumism.mp3

Leading us to doom
keeping us in a dark room
dumbing down the schoolroom
and looking in your bedroom
next it'll be the the courtroom
hey that's not your womb
and we can't have two grooms
or two brides you fools

Do you think there's a plan
are you a big fan
are you a pitchman
another adman
or are you the madman
a false he-man
a pseudo lawman
that becomes their hangman

Well give me a pipe,
give me a pint
give me a pill
only way to ignore the shills

Give me a pipe,
give me a pint
give me a pill
I've really had my fill

Give me a pipe,
give me a pint
give me a pill
So much for freewill

Give me a pipe,
give me a pint
give me a pill
you know we're paying the bill

Don't give them any sass
for they think that's crass
you have a lot of brass
not giving them a pass
and if you trespass
or harass
or smoke a little grass
enjoy prison clenching your ass

well clean that slate
clean that slate

erase the hate
erase the hate

clean that slate
clean that slate

erase that hate
erase that hate

Well give me a pipe,
give me a pint
give me a pill
only way to ignore the shills

Give me a pipe,
give me a pint
give me a pill
I've really had my fill

Give me a pipe,
give me a pint
give me a pill
So much for freewill

Give me a pipe,
give me a pint
give me a pill
you know we're paying the bill