Sunday, November 11, 2012


"When Americans worship god, then god will bless America" That's the mantra that millions hear, and believe. It is the reason that the culture debates exist, and why they're not leaving anytime soon. The con men will continue to deceive, the marks will continue to believe, and the money will keep flowing. How should secular Americans respond?
Christian law will rule in Alabama's highest court. Roy Moore is once again the chief justice, and god will reign down his judgements on thee. If you don't remember, Moore was the gentleman who had a 5,000 plus pound granite ten commandments monument in the lobby of the courthouse. He was removed from office because of his refusal to remove the monument. He will not put the monument back in the lobby, but god's will shall rule. "Go home with the knowledge that we are going to stand for the acknowledgement of god," Moore told an audience of admirers who responded with cheers of "amen!"
Not much more should be expected from the evangelical bible belt. But even more moderate cults are waging a battle against freedom. Catholics have gone after the Affordable Care Act over contraceptives, and the Pope recently released a statement proclaiming that "Any tendency to treat religion as a private matter must be resisted." That and laws being passed to allow people to die with dignity is pissing the old guy off to no end. Good.
Odd, I always thought religion was a private matter.
In Minnesota, a "pray away the gay" pastor was arrested for a sexual assault that took place during a session of ex-gay therapy. It never fails, whether holier than thou conservatives are getting blow jobs in public bathrooms, or preachers are engaging in same gender sex while high as a kite, they're all hypocrites. Yet every week the faithful come to pay their tithes and have their morals corrupted in the name of god; amen.
Lets face it, religion is not going quietly into the good night, but will resist all moves towards a civilization based in reality. Even with the continued corruption like what has been mentioned, they survive. They desire the past and future to be the same; no progress please. They proclaim that god is the only reality.
They are attention whores, no doubt about it.
We all know the spiel. We've heard it throughout the election year; old news. But weekly, if not daily, pastors and preachers are ranting and raving. Fleecing with tithes the fools and cowards who happily donate to the cause. Their rants and ravings fool the masses; conning the marks is all in a days work. Entertainers, decent orators, all the sheep think they have a special link to the creator. Fixating on the weak has its perks. Watching the bound fools twist and writhe, what joy. Fish on a hook listening to the spiel, filleting their minds with a well turned lie. Gutting the fools wallets is a holy task. Yea, fishermen they are.
A massive organization to take to task.
Secularists, if they have a cohesive plan, seem to be satisfied with nipping at religion's heels. Chipping away here and there at the behemoth that religion has become. The problem would seem the monotony that goes with the task. Like working on a chain gang. Swinging that pick, taking another lick, hoping to chip and crack that mountain. Gets old after awhile but here we go again.
Once again "under god" is being challenged at the state level. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court will hear from a non-religious family that doesn't care for the mandatory recitation of the pledge in classrooms. In Georgia, Darwin garnered 4,000 votes in what was a rebuke to Paul Broun, the Representative from Athens-Clarke County. Broun has stated that life sciences are "lies straight from the pit of hell." He had no challenger, so the votes weren't wasted.
Take another swing.
The National Atheist Party was formed in March of 2011. I don't know how everyone feels about that name, but as far as I'm concerned it's a loser. With atheists holding the high ground in public disdain, what the heck were they thinking? These gentlemen decided that the "Freethought Party" or the "Secular Party" didn't represent who they are. Members decided the terms were vague, dishonest and accommodating. I'm not sure what's wrong with accommodation in a political party, and maybe here I'm in the minority, but I mark this as one big fail.
So what have secularists won lately? If you peruse the usual atheist blogs they rave about how atheists are kicking ass. Same sex marriage; approved. Openly gay Senator Tammy Baldwin; win. Marijuana; good to go. Anti-women elected officials; mostly ousted. The list goes on, but sorry, not buying it.
The happily gay community has fought for the right, with support from secularists, but it was still their win, not ours. Sure, you can say that evangelicals lost the culture battle, but did we really have that much to do with it? Tammy Baldwin beat Tommy Thompson. Mr. Thompson wanted to end funding for planned parenthood, was anti-abortion and anti-healthcare. You really think it was secularists who won this battle? It is easier to see that this was a women's rights issue, and women won. Marijuana reform we're claiming as a victory? Heck, that battle has been going on for decades and has nothing to do with the secular movement.
Secularists claiming wins on these issues strikes me as more wishful thinking than reality. The forays against religion by secularists only are minimal at best. Jumping on the bandwagon of others seems nothing more than futile attempts at claiming victory where none really exists. I guess victory by association is better than nothing.
Pure success by secularists resides in educating the masses. The big war will be won by swinging that pick over and over again, chipping at the mountain until all that is left is rubble. Little by little we crack the charade that religion is. Nipping at the heels of intolerance, bigotry and misogyny until we draw blood.
In the current climate of this country, no major victory can yet be claimed by the atheist community as their own. Maybe one day we will gather by the river and set the fish free, but that path will be long.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Over 55 million people voted for a lie. Simple as that. 
Though there were missteps by both campaigns, nothing compares to Romney straight out lies. At the end of the campaign, Romney's message in Ohio was that Chrysler owners Fiat were going to make Jeeps in China and American would lose jobs. Not only that, but the president had sold Chrysler to Fiat. Falsehoods encompass the entire statement.
Chrysler had been in negotiations with Fiat before the financial crisis. The president didn't own Chrysler, so could not possibly sell it, though he did help the deal go through. Jeeps being made in China was the best part of the story though. It is less expensive to make the auto in the country you will be selling it to. That's why we have foreign car factories in America, they don't want to pay for shipping and deal with the taxes either. The Jeep plants were already in China, they're being reopened now that Chrysler is once again making money.
There are many of these false statements. Mr. Romney based an entire campaign on half truths and outright lies. One of my favorites was his continual harangue about the President's apology tour. When it does to reality, Mr. Romney will have none of that thank you. He was unable to see diplomacy in action. Unable to understand that our relations with other countries needed to move forward. Mr. Romney apparently would fail in the world arena.
But again, over 55 million people voted for a liar.
Personal bias and racism had to play a part, you don't close your eyes to reality unless what is real offends you. This was not only a part of the national elections, but also state elections. Down to the most minuscule thought, lies were told. 
In Michigan, I had a few conversations over the last few days on politics. Trustworthy information would seem to be a necessity when making decisions at the poll. Those who make intelligent choices do so by finding non-partisan sources. Wouldn't seem to be much of a task, unless you are diseased with an ideology that no facts can cure. For a democracy to succeed, it takes the willing participation of citizens who are informed. If that statement is true, we are doomed to eternal bickering where there's no middle ground to be had.
On Sunday, while watching football at my favorite watering hole, I noticed some quiet conversations occurring. The gentlemen in question are conservatives that I usually get along with well. I've noticed that the closer it gets to voting time, the less welcome I am with the regulars. Instead of the "how's my favorite liberal" greetings, I'm getting the look. You know, I'm getting the feeling that I'm not welcome today.
I was sitting next to a few these gentlemen while watching the game. I got up to use the men's room, and when I got back they had moved away from my spot. A few stools down the bar where they're talking in confidence. Sorry, not happening. I walk the few steps down to hear what the story is. As I get near I hear one gentleman talking to another about how some people "show up" at work. Not workers, only there because they somehow feel they deserve the job and pay. I know what they're alluding to; one of Michigan's proposals on the proposal protecting union workers. A proposal that lost because of the misinformation, and now pay will decrease as contracts are broken. 
Conservatives for some reason hate well paid middle class workers with a passion. 
I push my way into the conversation by slightly agreeing with the premise that some people are not as productive as others. Trying to get them to carry the thought farther, but now that I'm there, they're not talking the bait.
That's okay, I have time.
Back to my seat. The second games are on, but my attention is now on discussions around me. After some everyday chatter, they are back to discussing politics. Now the proposal being discussed is one I'm very familiar with, and that's the clean energy proposal. They are talking about the horrible increase in utility costs for the homeowner, which I know is nonsense. In the proposal it states that utility bills cannot be increased anymore than one percent a year. Furthermore, the data I've read states the average consumer cost will be around 50 cents a month; possibly more, but will never reach a dollar a month increase. 
Back I go, I don't mind confrontation. I tell them their facts are wrong, they shake their heads in disbelief and argue the point. I tell them what the bill says, they state I'm wrong. I tell them how the clean air initiative has actually reduced utility costs in Illinois, they tell me my facts are wrong. I tell them about the 26,000 jobs created in Ohio and how they are estimating over 90,000 jobs being created in Michigan, they're not buying it. Minds closed so tight to facts and reasons that I'd need the jaws of life to open them up.
Starting to piss me off. Fools say foolish things, and I've had enough. I take out my trusty smart phone and bring up the data, toss in front of them on the bar and tell them to read it. They look at it out of the corner of their eyes, but none reach for the truth. Eyes open wide like I tossed a coiled rattler in their midst. The blinders are on tight, the bias is strangling any intelligence that they might have. I see fear in them when they glance at the phone. Evil thoughts reside online, dreaded facts that can't be ignored. 
Over 55 million voters are unable to comprehend truth.
The election has been decided, President Obama will have four more years to entrench healthcare for all, to continue fighting for equal rights, to hopefully address climate change with more clean air initiatives. Education, immigration reform, women's health; there's a lot to do.
Though the House remains in conservative hands, many ultra right tea party crazies are gone. Maybe the House will actually start working on the problems that face the country. This is a good thing. The future of the country is on the right track. The only problem is that half of our voters do not understand facts.
Think about it, over 55 million voted for a fantasy.

Saturday, November 3, 2012


"This is the most important election ever." Like the rest of you, the hype gets old for me as well, but there is some truth to the statement. Incredible legislation on state ballots that could make an instant difference. From renewable energy mandates to legalizing marijuana, from state sovereignty to the makeup of our Supreme Court. Far left candidates will be elected to balance the powers that be; this election cycle could greatly change the world that we live in.
Supreme Court Justices are aging. Who controls the White House during the next four years could have real impact on how "we the people" live our lives. Three justices will enter their eighties during the next administration's reign. I think if Mr. Romney wins the election, he will fill any vacancies with pro-choice and pro Defense of Marriage Act judges. If President Obama is reelected, we could possibly get judges that have a more centrist/left stance. We can go back to back alley abortions and discrimination, or we can move forward; simple as that.
Marijuana laws are always discussed, but no one ever talks about an end to the forever drug wars. We imprison non-violent offenders at an alarming rate. We demonize a large percentage of our population for no real purpose. It is not any more immoral than a drunk population, but we treat it as if it is the drug of the devil. Three states have ballot initiatives to legalize marijuana this year, and in two of the states legalization appears imminent. There's a movement to get rid of marijuana prohibition and this is where it starts. When a state says use is legal, like what happened during the prohibition on alcohol, the rest fall like dominoes. Then the federal government will have to change its position.
Thirty states have started to develop and finance renewable energy. Around the Great Lakes, Ohio's 2009 law requires 12.5 percent of its electricity to be provided by renewable energy by 2025, making it a leader in clean energy in the area; and creating 25,000 jobs at the same time. Michigan is getting ready to step up to the plate. The ballot initiative there actually changes the state's constitution and requires that 25 percent of the state's energy requirement to be met by the year 2025. Besides the clean energy jobs that would create, it would also make the state a leader in renewable energy production. To be expected, big energy companies are aggressively campaigning against the measure. One of my favorite ads states that by voting yes on this proposition it would increase the average family's bill by 2,500 dollars. If the bill is read, it mandates that energy companies cannot raise the rates by any more than one percent or 50 cents in a year. No one I know pays 250,000 dollars a year for electricity.
For every decent proposal on the ballot, there's always one that negates common sense. In Arizona, they have a state sovereignty proposal. This is aimed at getting control of Federally reserved lands. Arizona want complete control of the land - excepting Indian lands and those they've given to the feds - so they can rip out whatever resources may be there. As the majority of states go cleaner, Arizona's flawed leadership wishes to continue to pollute. The Grand Canyon will no longer be very grand.
I bring up state initiatives as a reminder to everyone to check out local initiatives. In Michigan, we are also voting on Michigan Supreme Court Justices, three liberals against three conservatives. We've been conservatively controlled for too long.
As for the main event, the presidential election is clear. We keep the slow momentum building the economy and middle class, or we give more tax breaks to the rich. We protect a woman's right to make her own health decisions, or we go back to back alley abortions. We move forward in combatting climate change, or we continue to rely solely on fossil fuels. We stand for education, or we decide that creationism is good for our children. We protect freedom of and from religion, or we allow the rabid right wing theists to have ever more influence in our day to day lives.
Yes, this election is the most important election of our times. As atheists, we can only vote for those whose goals are aligned with ours. So far President Obama's team has not shown itself to be anti-science. Though the president professes beliefs that we do not share, he is not trying to force those beliefs on the populace.
Forward it is.