I have told many stories of having casual conversations with republicans; I can do no less since I live in conservative country. Many I get along with fine, since it's not hard to recognize when I'm being baited. That sly little twinkle in their eye as they look forward to trapping the lone liberal, I kind of enjoy their happiness. We dance around the issues, as these conversations are normally accompanied with plenty of libations at hand, and for the most part we get along. Believe it or not, I can agree with many of their ideas; though not in the manner they would like.
If they want to talk about strong family

values, I'm with them and we can talk about the glorious strong ties that develop between family members. When they want to talk about getting ahead in life by hard work, again I can agree that productivity can create a healthy community. I understand the thought of taking responsibility for one's actions.
But of course the separation begins in these discussions by adding to the conservative mantra a few simple thoughts. Strong families are to be supported even if not formed by the conservative's view of traditional marriage. Committed personal relationships are to be encouraged to enhance the community, not divide it. Those who are able to produce should possibly do so, those who are not able should not be penalized. Taking responsibility for an action is desirable, unless the action is caused by events outside of one's control.
We possibly all agree on the one major problem with today's conservatism, and that is its partnership with fundamentalist religious organizations. If you're an atheist conservative, I would think that would be a problem for you as well.
The only desired outcome for fundamentalist conservatives derives from the hope of inserting religion into every aspect of the public sphere.
It is becoming easier to insert religion into politics without mentioning religion, and I think that is where conservative politicians are excelling. A recent conversation with the
Tea Party's President Janis Lane in Mississippi is a great example. The content of the conversation makes it clear what drives these people.
Here are a few of Janis Lane's thoughts on abortion and women in politics:
Lane: "I do not agree with the federal government supporting killing a preborn human. A child is a child from the moment of conception. The argument is: They've done it before, they'll always do it. That's probably true. My point is a nation should not support or condone the killing of anybody. Then you'll come around with what about capital punishment. Well, you know what, if you're on death row, you're an adult and you made a choice to be there. An innocent child in the womb does not have a right to make a decision because they haven't been born, yet. We're taking that right away from that child."
This is a christian based argument, though never stated as such. Next god starts creeping into the conversation, and of course the thoughts get slightly more unrealistic. Emphasis mine.
"Our country might have been
better off if it was still just men voting. There is nothing worse than a bunch of mean, hateful women. They are diabolical in how than can skewer a person. I do not see that in men. The whole time I worked, I'd much rather have a male boss than a female boss. Double-minded, you never can trust them."
"Because women have the right to vote, I am active, because I want to make sure there is some sanity for women in the political world. It is up to the Christian rednecks and patriots to stand up for our country. Everyone has the right to vote now that's 18 or over (who is) a legal citizen, and every person that's 18 and over and a legal citizen should be active in local politics so they can make a change locally, make a change on the state level and make a change in Washington, D.C."
Because she has a right that she herself says she shouldn't have, she's active in politics, because she has a right she shouldn't have. Hurts, doesn't it?
Coming to the Supreme Court of The United States soon will be whether the Defense of Marriage Act - DOMA - is constitutional. Another religious mandate that is trying hard to become a secular law. In New York, a
federal appeals court ruled that the DOMA is unconstitutional.
Though that is a ruling based in reality, our Supreme Court has been taken over by religious zealots, so who knows what nonsense they may fabricate.
As long as reason is not the law of the

land the insanity will continue. Unfortunately, reality keeps ruining the conservative plan aimed at forming a functional theocracy.
latest Gallup poll shows the unemployment rate is continuing to drop; that the September numbers were not wildly understated. What will Mitt do now?
Ask me if I'm better off than four years ago and I would have to respond with a resounding yes. Ask if better job opportunities are available, in my small area of family and friends, again a resounding yes.
Did anyone enjoy the DOW sitting at 7,949 at the end of George W. Bush's reign of terror? I wondered at first where all that money went but as time went on I realized the rich didn't lose a penny and the rest of America was raped.
As far as I can tell, from the mostly failed attempts at getting rid of poor and minority voters, the mostly failed attempts at restricting poll hours and reducing early voting periods, conservatives know their only chance of winning is to keep people from voting that may not agree with their agenda.
The Green Party Candidate,
Jill Stein, was arrested yet again and held for eight hours after she tried to enter the presidential debate site. Though I possibly wouldn't vote for a third party candidate, it is annoying that I'm not allowed to hear them speak.
For those Independent voters who are still trying to make up their minds, here's
Amy Goodman and three third party candidates who were not allowed to participate in the debates. They answer the same questions as Obama and Romney answered In the second debate.
The first story is tragic to those of us who don't favor the death penalty, but is also extremely interesting since god once again is the culprit.

John Errol Ferguson, the man to be executed, claims he is the "Prince of God." He has many delusions of grandeur all related to his god fantasy. The reasoning that allows the state to execute him is that he is not delusional since his thoughts are not
"significantly different than beliefs other Christians may hold."
I guess by saying the condemned is suffering from a disease, they would be implying that all christians are suffering from the same disease; we can't have that now, can we?
If he is not executed because he is delusional, then in the minds of the court, are all christians delusional? Well, I would think since they've already decided that he's not much different than other christians, then yes. Would that mean anyone involved in a death penalty crime could claim he was delusional because in his mind god was prompting his actions? Well, if he's not executed, then no more death penalty.
I really don't know what to think about this one.
The Secular Coalition grades the presidential candidates. No big surprises here, Romney get an "F" and Obama barely makes the grade with a "C."
Dinesh D'Souza finds himself in a jam. This is the gentleman who wants to save marriage from gays and lesbians, and made the so-called "documentary" that cast Obama in a very unsavory light, apparently has a mistress.
Oh joy.

The lady in question, Denise Odie Joseph II, shares his views on marriage and divorce. The one thing I enjoy about the holier than thou crowd is that they never fail to get caught.
The catholic church has decided to enter the politics of the day by donating a million dollars to fight those of us who insist on equal rights under the law. They are spending over a million dollars in three states to stop the legalization of same sex marriage, and in another state that is considering amending their constitution by defining what a marriage is.
The catholic church is now the number one religious institution opposing same sex marriage, even though the majority of catholics are okay with the thought. Kind of like politics, the people don't get to decide.
The Texas cheerleaders seem to have won for now. In an earlier edition of the Planet I brought up a story about how these ladies write biblical verses on banners to encourage their team. At least for the rest of the year they may continue to proselytize like any other Sunday morning quack you'd like to mention.
The judge, Steven Thomas, was appointed by their god loving governor Rick Perry. I'm not surprised.
Nothing really wicked, only the normal anti-woman campaigns.
In Texas, they've figured out how to
get rid of Planned Parenthood. They will be launching a new state-funded Women's Health Program that will ban abortion providing affiliates from getting any funding. The program also has a clause that states if the program is legally challenged, and the Planned Parenthood ban is found against the law, the state will will shut down the Women's Health Program completely. Bye bye health care ladies.
Kind of tired of this news, it's the same

every week. Why it does not stop is because the conservatives we've elected to represent us only represent god and corporations, nothing more.
Take for instance one of my favorite nonsensical tea party representatives,
the Honorable Joe Walsh from Illinois. Here we go, comments from the fatally ignorant:
"There is no such exception as life of the mother."
His thought there is that modern science and technology, which he derides when it contradicts him, will save the day.
According to him, “With modern technology and science, you can’t find one instance,” of an abortion necessary to save a mothers life. He's barely leading Tammy Duckworth in recent polls for the upcoming election, yet he talks total bull. If he's leading Tammy, that means conservatives are eating what he's defecating, and it's not a very tasty morsel.
Doctors immediately contradicted the man, but the followers will never hear about it.
Another young lady is demonized by the right. During the last Presidential Debate
Katherine Fenton asked a question about equal pay. An "anonymous" blog on Free Beacon basically did a Fluke on her. She's a slutty, boozing, whore you know.
Conservatives are basically saying, "Do you ladies not know your place yet? Get back in the kitchen and make me a sandwich!"
A slight conundrum; how do I handle a visit from my duly elected representative from Michigan's 3rd district without alienating newly made friends?
In the last few months I've decided to spend some of my spare cash in my local town. I pay to play guitar with an excellent guitarist who owns a quaint little studio where he also gives art lessons. I've become a regular at a small bar/restaurant instead of going to the city for entertainment. I've started eating at the only place in town that has a veggie burger I can knock down, and there lies the problem.
Knowing and friending the small business owners in the local area seemed to be a good way of not only making new friends, but also getting involved in the community. I have an unsubstantiated feeling that those business owners have quite a bit of sway in the town as well, and I have a desire to talk about my concerns to them.

Regardless, the little coffee shop that has the very important veggie burger, is hosting Justin Amash, said representative from my district, this Tuesday. The lady who owns the business I've had several conversations with, though none concerning politics, and have enjoyed those talks. I like her, yet Amash is a fool in my eyes. I get a little excited at times about my politics. In 2004 I aggressively protested Cheney's visit to a local restaurant, I've never eaten there since; doubt if that guys stench will ever leave the place.
I would rather not be like that this time.
So, do I show up on Tuesday morning armed for battle and show them how much more wittier I am than they? Do I show up and drink coffee, keep quiet and puke later? Or do I stay away from the place altogether? Tuesday is the day I spend in town, drinking coffee and having a meal, then guitar playing with the local master, then drinking and messing with the conservatives.
I've really enjoyed that day, until now.