Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A short version of The Planet is all I have time for this week. I also included much more in the way of quotes than normal; wanted to make sure the context was correct. Short and late, my apologies. 

American Angst
Happy days are here again. Controversial Sheriff Arpaio of Arizona, the guy who dehumanizes prisoners, is on thebirther bandwagon. This is the gentleman who built a tent city jail where temperatures reach 135 degrees. Then he banned cigarettes, hot lunches, coffee, salt and pepper. He makes the male inmates wear pink underwear and socks, sometimes parading them around. He has claimed numerous times that Obama's birth certificate is a forgery. He bases this conclusion on the thought that it must be a forgery, since their is no other documents saying it isn't a forgery. That is critical thinking for the tea party gentleman.
Romney has a new campaign strategy, he totally agrees with Obama, yet manages to make it sound like he doesn't. Romney's attack ads center around the President's thought that businesses need help to succeed, that they "didn't build it themselves." Romney says that shows how out of touch with the business community Obama is. Gates built his business, Jobs his and mentions other names. Obama's taken out of context quote related to how businesses use the infrastructure that the government and the people built. Business owners went to schools that the public pays for. What really makes his argument look bad is that Romney took one billion dollars from the federal government while working on the Olympics; taxpayer money. 
Mitt has also decided not to release any more of his tax documents. Ann backs him up stating, "There are so many things that will be open again for more attack, and you just give more material for more attack, and that's the answer. We've given all you people need to know and understand about our financial situation and about how we live our life."
Take that you people.
Gun Goons
The NRA's tweet for Saturday morning from their @NRA_RIFLEMAN account was possibly not in the best of taste. The tweet in question said, "Good morning, shooters. Happy Friday! Weekend plans?" The tweet was possibly done in advance, but pretty much sucked. That account is now gone.
This after the mass shooting in Aurora Colorado. Ten years ago, the assault weapon ban was still in effect so this type of damage cold be lessened, but Americans need their assault rifles; for hunting I'm sure.
The NRA said in a statement: "Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims, their families and the community. NRA will not have any further comment until all the facts are known." They continued with the thought that if someone in the theater was armed they could have stopped the shooter. Well, hopefully they would have been great shots, since the shooter was wearing body armor. And of course, just what we need, vigilantes dispensing justice.
Right Wing Rants
Keeping are eyes on Aurora, here comes the crazy. American Family Association's Bryan Fischer had the answer to problems with America's youth:
"With regard to students, SAT scores began to plummet almost immediately, starting in 1963, and have never recovered. The rate of premarital sex began to climb, as did the rate of sexually transmitted diseases. Teenage pregnancies and teen births began to skyrocket, again starting in 1963. The rate at which teens were arrested for rape, aggravated assault, and murder shot through the roof ... The consequences for “parents” and families have been equally severe. Since 1963, the rates of adultery, divorce, cohabitation and domestic abuse have risen dramatically, and the intact nuclear family is being ravaged perhaps beyond repair.
With regard to “teachers” and our educational system, SAT scores have fallen into the basement while rates of school violence are shooting through the ceiling and our armed forces are hampered by functionally illiterate recruits.
The consequences for “our Country” are equally catastrophic. Homicide rates are up; more Americans are being gunned down in cold blood this year in Chicago than in Afghanistan. The nuclear family is breaking apart at culture-destroying rates. One of out every five adults in America has a lifelong, incurable sexually transmitted disease.The sexual and physical abuse of children is out of control.
The Supreme Court compounded its godless and criminal misconduct by banning the Ten Commandments and its moral precepts from classrooms in 1980. Their reasoning was fantastically absurd when looked at in the light of last night’s massacre.
“[I]f the posted copies of the Ten Commandments are to have any effect at all, it will be to induce the schoolchildren to read, meditate upon, perhaps to venerate and obey, the Commandments,” which, the Court said, is “not a permissible state objective under the Establishment Clause.”
So these black-robed miscreants said we cannot permit potential mass murderers like James Holmes to read or meditate on God’s prohibition “Thou shall not murder” as a part of their education, because someone like him just might be inclined to “venerate and obey” it and not go on a midnight shooting rampage leaving a trail of dead bodies in his wake. No, we can’t be having that, now, can we?
It’s time for us to say to the left we’ve tried it your way for the past 60 years and our country is being destroyed before our very eyes. It’s time to try it our way for next 60 years. If we don’t like what we see in 2072, we can always drink again from the poisoned well of secular fundamentalism. Something tells me we won’t want to."
Jesus Juice
Not to be outdone by AFA's crazy Bryan Fischer, who has a "degree" in theology, Jerry Newcombe of Truth in Action Ministries weighed in on the shootings as well; and in a predictably asinine fashion.
"I can't help but feel that to some extent, we're reaping what we've been sowing as a society. We said to God, "Get out of the public arena." Lawsuit after lawsuit, often by misguided "civil libertarians," have chased away any fear of God in the land -- at least in the hearts of millions.
Recently, I wrote on the subject of Hell and how our society has generally lost its cognizance of it.
We've lost this cognizance to the point that a recent bestseller was a book by an "evangelical pastor," who for all practical purposes denied Hell (or the import of it). (It exists, but don't worry -- supposedly nobody's going there.) When the book was first published 16 months ago, it made the cover of TIME magazine. This month it was republished as a paperback.
This makes me think. "Wow, what the heck happened to Hell?" What -- was there some new revelation that changed what the Lord warned about? To me, what He said 2,000 years ago is still worth heeding: What does it profit you if you gain the whole world and lose your soul?
Tens of millions of young people in this culture seem to have no fear of God. It's becoming too commonplace that some frustrated person will go on a killing spree of random people. If they kill themselves, they think it's all over. But that's like going from the frying pan into the fire. Where's the fear of God in our society? I don't think people would do those sorts of things if they truly understood the reality of Hell."
Murder Mania
On average, we get the great displeasure of hearing about another mass murder more than once a year during the last 30 years. Mass murders are defined as being four or more people killed in a single incident. 

Sunday, July 15, 2012

American Angst
This week a fine officer of the law out of the District of Columbia made comments about shooting the first lady. Apparently he even showed a picture of the gun he would use. The officer has not been named yet and the Secret Service will follow up. Bad enough that there's a gentleman that's been hired to "protect and serve" who's decided to do the opposite, but reading comments at sites that have picked up the story once again shows how belittling and ignorant some followers of the right wing machine are.
The story is hearsay so far, and conservatives are screaming it's a political move. Guess we'll find out soon.
Michelle is being attacked by the right. Something as simple as planning an event at a Florida high school is more than they can handle. They don't want political events in schools, even though the high school in question allows anyone to rent the facility, it isn't costing Florida's taxpayers any money and school is out for the summer.   
A reminder for those not paying attention, Romney endorses the Ryan budget plan. If he is elected, everyone who is 55 or younger will lose. "The Path to Prosperity" would eliminate Medicaid by 2022. All those who were born after 1956 would end up on a voucher system that would benefit the usual suspects; corporations and the rich. The federal government would save over time since each state will receive a block grant that is less than what the feds would spend on the current system. Meaning the states will have to come up with more income, or start shutting down other services. The nice part is that in 2022 the feds will reduce the block grants by excluding payments for acute care services for the elderly. The plan is that the elderly will supplement their coverage with a personal medical savings plan.
Who's killing Grandma? Apparently Alan Grayson was right on the mark when he explained the conservative's plan for health care. Part one, "Don't get sick," part two, "if you do get sick, die quickly." I miss Alan.
The plan also talks about closing tax loopholes, but doesn't designate which loopholes will be closed. Maybe one of those loopholes will be your mortgage tax deduction?
It has not been a good week for Romney. Apparently the Bain Capital argument that the democrats have been pushing has finally found a foothold; Romney says he left in 1999, the books show he was the CEO and getting paid up until 2002. Bain, who has been called the, "pioneers of outsourcing," will not be the campaign highlight that he was hoping for.
The wait in Wisconsin is over. A month after the recall elections democrats finally are in control of the Senate. State Senator Van Wanggaard finally has admitted defeat after a recount and a threat to sue. At least one part of Wisconsin's legislature is now  out of tea party hands.
Snap Socialism
I've mentioned the Farm Bill in the past, but did not dwell on the statistics and what they mean to low-income Americans; hopefully this will put it in perspective.
On Thursday the House Agricultural Committee approved 16.5 billion in funding cuts affecting 45 million Americans. The number of Americans using the program has seen recent jumps in numbers due to the recession. Think about this; when we need help, our government turns their back. Being unemployed for the majority is not a goal or a scam; it is the direct result of too big to fail banks and their friends on Wall Street that gambled and lost with many of the unemployed's hard earned wages. Since I haven't seen the rush to prosecute CEO's for the crime, I take it this is the new America.
Remembering that this effects children, the elderly, single parent families and even veterans is a big part of the discussion. 2 to 3 million individuals will lose their benefits entirely, another 500 million households will have benefits cut and 300,000 children will lose school lunches. 
The SNAP payouts equal $1.50 a meal for recipients. 
Not a pleasant thought for many of us, but Charles Krauthammer from FOX news explains the conspiracy to us all; "the president feels it is a success to get as many people dependent on the government as possible." He goes on saying, "he, (Obama), is trying to get people to accept handouts and not be so proud, destroying our national aversion to handouts."
Yes sir, starving Americans would rather watch their children die than take any government handouts. We've worked, paid taxes, contributed to welfare for the rich and now you can bury us.
American Exceptionalism all the way.
Education Enemies
Innovative attacks on educating children continue. Romney has stated several times during his campaign that when elected he would end public funding for PBS; they should get their money from advertisers like everyone else.
Nice move. If this seems harmless in comparison to all the other social needs we face, think about it this way. PBS has children shows. Shows that do not advertise and only teach. The benefit to this is that you as a parent don't have to listen to your children expressing their thoughts on what cereal they want for breakfast, what clothes they should be wearing to school, what toys they need to have and so on. You have a safe haven, a place where children can watch Sesame street and learn how to read or do simple math; or even more importantly, how to interact socially. All without corporate america's influence.
That's what the problem is of course, cartoons and children's shows on other networks are homes to corporations; where the most important thought to be taught is consumerism.
Childhood Cancelled
Two words, "Zero Tolerance." Laws that have been put in place over the recent years are helping the school to prison pipeline. Taking advantage of disadvantaged children, zero tolerance laws let young ones get a taste for jail early on in life. 
Minor offenses are now treated as punishable by law. Take the fairly current case of Salecia Johnson, a 6 year old charged with assault. Yeah, you heard me right, 6 years old. Salecia was going to be charged with a felony assault until someone pulled their head out of the sand and decided that might be going to far. Still Salecia ended up being expelled for the year.
Salecia had a temper tantrum in school. Her tantrum included tossing a shelf and hitting the school principal in the leg. Besides the assault she was also charged with damaging school property. The police were called, and when they arrived they found Salecia on the floor crying. They went over to her and she "resisted" their help. She was handcuffed and taken away.
A 6 year old having a temper tantrum hauled away in cuffs, amazing.
I've heard different reports on young ones being hauled away. Sometimes they are so small that they can't handcuff their wrists because of how small the children are; they move the handcuffs up to their upper arms to get a fit.
Conservative laws make us barbarians.
Jesus Juice
Watching conservatives trying to legislate god and country is a full time job. So many bills that try to remove the separation of church and state, you'd think it was all we had to worry about. 
In Florida, Governor Scott signed a bill allowing prayer at graduations, sporting events and assemblies. The legislation is called the Inspirational Messages in School bill. Proselytizing in public schools is the law of the land. 
Romney has been considering pledging support for an amendment or legislation on putting god back into schools. Ten commandments hanging everywhere, crosses up and down the roads, god in our history books and whatever else that would entail after getting rid of the first amendment. Conservatives really only like parts of the constitution, just like their bibles.
There is only one reason why god needs to be in any school. Since there are churches everywhere that will teach you more than you wanted to know about the magic bastard, and parents can teach their children about the magic bastard as well, the only purpose is to proselytize.
Religion is slowly losing its hold on America. There are a few Facebook pages on bringing god back into schools, yet even on that massive social network, the "children for putting god back into school" has only 54 likes, and their adult counterparts has only a little over a thousand. Not going anywhere with the general public it would seem. 
Suicidal Soldiers
More soldiers are killing themselves than are being killed in combat. This year soldiers are killing themselves here at home every day. In the first 155 days of the year, 154 soldiers have died. Forty seven percent of these losses are under the age of 25.
Dismal statistics. Even if you hate war, it is hard to dislike the children that fight them.
Apparently soldiers who have returned home have problems even driving down the streets. Years of waiting for a roadside bomb to go off seems to permanently reside in their minds, even while back in the states.
Besides the memories of war, the military's self-reliance training appears to get in the way of finding help for these men. 
Final Fixation
Voting Misconceptions:
A constant refrain in many posts here, and elsewhere, deals with this question; "why do voters vote against there own best interests?" Possibly I don't understand what is being stated because believe me, people do not vote against their best perceived interests.
Whenever the statement is made, it seems to pertain mainly to the poor. Yet statistically, if you are talking about the poor, 86% or so are minorities. They are not voting against themselves. The vast majority voted for our current president, and will do so again.
You may think this is about race, and to a certain point it is, but even race did not keep poor whites from voting for Obama. In 2008 sixty percent of white voters making under $50,000 voted for Obama.
So who is voting against themselves? 
I can not find any evidence that people generally vote against their best interests, they do at times, but not always. Even in the $50,000 to 100,000 income levels, Obama managed to split the white vote. 
You could say that 50% of middle class white America voted against their best interest, if you think the middle class is better served by democrats. The only real part race plays is privilege, and it does play a large part. Whites have it good in this country; they tend to have better lives because of that privilege. Better jobs and education, and they want to keep it that way. Yet still, you could also say that 50% voted against that thought, thinking correctly that it will serve them best to vote against the rich. 
I think we should start looking at this differently. Conservatives have framed the discussion in the last several election cycles as us against them. Workers against the freeloaders, workers against the unions, theists against the secularists, family against the LGBT community; and they are losing support every cycle.
Whites are increasingly voting for democrats, and even a black candidate is not enough to stop the surge of middle America against the rich. I've enjoyed seeing bumper stickers supporting Obama on cars being driven by older white gents and ladies; we're not all crazy.
So even though we dislike the local elections that come out of rigged districts, I think we should be encouraged that as a whole, Americans are getting the message. It is only a majority of the rich that totally embrace conservatism, and though that may be enough to defeat Obama because of Citizen's United, I think not. 
Lets face it, though there are pockets of enraged white idiots, we seem to be coming around nicely, albeit slowly.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

American Angst
The Tea Party has been and is a hate group. You hear it in their discourse, they don't have much in the way of sympathy for their fellow Americans. Illinois Representative Joe Walsh shows how to ratchet up incredibly lame rhetoric. His competition this year is Tammy Duckworth, a double amputee of the Iraq war. Walsh's comments were not taken well by anyone that I can tell, except the core group of haters in the party. When referencing Tammy, Walsh said, "what else has she done? Female, wounded veteran, eh."
Compassion is not a requirement for some. Walsh was on Fox and played the victim. You know, if you make ridiculous defaming comments, it is someone else's fault.
GOP congressional candidate Chris Collins states that no one dies from breast cancer anymore while discussing his desire to get rid of the Affordable Care Act. I understand his thought that health care has improved over the years, it just wasn't the best way of conveying that thought.
Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey blows up again while on vacation. A passerby made a comment about his education policies and Christie went Christie. "You're a real big shot, a real big shot shooting your mouth off like that," Christie stated. The man replied, "just take care of the teachers." Christie fired back, "keep walking away, keep walking." 
This after he abused a reporter who asked a question the governor did not want to answer. At that incident, the Governor called the man "stupid" and apologized to the rest of the crowd for having to deal with the "idiot."
I find this fascinating only because the GOP wanted him to run for president, and he is still a possible vice-presidential candidate. He could set the whole tone for a new generation of angry republicans. The haters would love him.
Paul Ryan, the Wisconsin republican who came up with a budget plan that is embraced by the GOP, and hated by everyone else including nuns, has a new tactic in regards to health care. In negating the views of many that health care should be a right, and not a privilege, Ryan responded thusly“I think this at the end of the day is a big philosophy difference,” he continued. “What Ms. Kennedy and others were saying is that this is a new government-granted right. We disagree with the notion that our rights come from government, that the government can now grant us and define our rights. Those are ours, they come from nature and God, according to the Declaration of Independence — a huge difference in philosophy.”
Yes Congressman, rights might possibly derive from nature, but happily god didn't have anything to do with it. I think with the current state of affairs in the republican party, the only thing they wish to give us is servitude. Obey please.
Debtor's Dilemma
Before the civil war, debtor's prisons were eliminated, but apparently here we go again. Make no mistake, this is a travesty. If you are poor, and can't pay the fine, you go to prison. The New York Times reported a story concerning Gina Ray who had a speeding ticket for $179 that ended up costing $3,170 in fines and fees. Probation companies are promising income to broke towns, which is why we see inflated fees and fines. She ended up with 40 days in jail as well, and will probably serve more since she can't afford the costs.
Apparently with misdemeanors, even with the possibility of serving time, the right to counsel is infrequently brought up. We know this problem is specific to one group, and that is the poor. If the democrats wanted to pick up a new class warfare slogan, this one would work.
Prisons for profit must be enjoying this new concept. 
Lisa Lindsay was taken away in handcuffs for not paying a $280 medical bill. A breast cancer survivor, and now a criminal.
Now it is not only a hardship to be poor, but also a criminal activity. 
Hello Hell
Though we can't say that temperatures in the U.S. are caused by global warming, they sure do give us a look into a possible future. Scientists say this is "what global warming will look like."
Droughts, wildfires that have burned up 2.1 million acres, heat waves effecting a good part of the country, all point to an impending disaster. That disaster could be seen in food shortages. Grain price are once again shooting up and have reached the 2008 levels where the world saw a shortage in food supplies. 
We know that conservatives are doing their best to insinuate that global warming is a hoax. They will do whatever is necessary to downplay anyone that publicly states climate change is real. This week, a meteorologist named Doug Kammerer matter-of-factly stated, "if we did not have climate change, we wouldn't see this." That didn't set well with the deniers at all.
Fox liar Malkin didn't like Doug's honesty and her blitzkrieg of the facts shows just how low she can go. I hope her grandchildren will love the hell she is creating. I don't know why it bothers me more that a woman takes this stance than a man, I keep thinking that mothers are more prone to nurture than kill; an abomination?
The Keystone XL Pipeline being pushed by the climate killing conservatives in power. Whether we know positively that we are seeing the effects of climate change or not, we do know what effect tar sand oils will have on the climate.James Hansen, who in the early 80's predicted what our climate after the turn of the century would look like, has gone on record saying that sand tar oil creates three times the global warming emissions as conventional methods.
Climate scientists say we are debating the wrong problem. It is not whether climate change is a fact, it is. The debate should be about how bad it will be and by when. Instead we have the Malkin's of the world control the conversation with uninformed opinions.  
Bible Belt
The American home of god, the deep south, is also the home of god's white men. Pastor William J. Collier of Alabama is holding a christian conference and everyone should come, as long as you're blindingly white. I only comment on this because of Collier's amusing statement,"We don't have the facilities to accommodate other people. We haven't got any invitations to black, Muslim events. Of course we are not invited to Jewish events and stuff." Does anyone but me wonder what special facilities are needed to accommodate americans that aren't white? Even if he meant he doesn't have the room to house all his guests should everyone come, it still could have been first come first serve, right? The best part, the conference will end with a "sacred christian cross lighting." 
The bible belt could easily be described in a more accurate manner; the porn belt. God's blessed really enjoy all types of porn, warehouses are full of whatever a good christian needs to survive. Porn should be political this year, since there is a full blown war on women in progress, maybe conservatives should be taken to task over their family values. The heart of conservatism is synonymous hard core sex, should we ask them all about this? Social conservatives have always railed against pornography, lets see what answers they come up with.
Quick fact, the top ten states downloading gay porn are all red. Anti-gay maybe, but gay porn? Love it!
Occupy Oasis
The revolution will not be covered.
In 2008, a factory owned by Bank of America closed its doors. Vacation pay and  wages were all denied by the bank, and the occupation began. The company was bought by Serious Energy, who is now getting ready to sell. The occupation begins again. According to union officials, Serious agreed to find a buyer for the factory, and they do have a bid. Seemingly they've changed their minds. They are no longer looking to keep it a functioning factory, apparently the sell off will benefit several local investors from the area.
If we have learned anything from the Occupy movement, it is that the police are here to protect the wealthy. There is an argument being expressed that police are here to insure inequality; race, class, gender, sexuality and so on. We do seem to have a highly militarized police force, and we are probably too late to stop it.
In Philadelphia, occupiers flashed a large 99% We The People message over Independence Hall, which was seen as a crime. Subsequently, those who accomplished the feat were arrested. It appears that Occupy is still a force to be reckoned with, even if you have to search to find news on the movement. This is possibly the biggest social movement ever, and it is ignored.
Sickly Sorrows
Pennsylvania conservative Governor Tom Corbett has found a glitch in the system, and has saved the state some money by knocking 89,000 children off of medicaid. Wasn't hard, those who need the service were given ten days to not only file, but to have the paperwork processed as well. The deluge of mail couldn't be handled. Good job Governor, the children with leukemia, heart defects and cerebral palsy salute you. This is besides the 800,000 that will not get to benefit from the Affordable Care Act if he continues to be a dick.
I will keep these thoughts in your mind, because they are atrocious.
In Florida Governor Scott will deny 1 million citizens medicaid if he holds to his promise of opting out of the Affordable Care Act. Somehow prohibiting the sick from health care is the right decision for the people. 
In South Carolina, same idiocy. Governor Haley says her state will opt out as well, leaving 330,000 hated citizens without health care.
Mississippi's Governor Bryant also states that giving health care to 500,000 citizens would not be good for the state. He should say, not good for his buddies.
Louisiana's Governor Jindall compares the ACA to buying a Chevy Volt. I'd like to see him wiggle through that statement. He's hoping for a new president so he can withhold humanitarian actions to hundreds of thousands of citizens. I haven't been able to find the exact number.
Governor Brownback of Kansas also states he will deprive 130,000 citizens of a basic human necessity. He is also betting on a long shot presidential win. Another third of a million people denied.
In Texas, 1.5 million people will be effected by Governor Perry's stance on the ACA. Let me say that again, 1.5 million people. 
Fifteen states are saying they will opt out in all. 
Education Enemies
Updates on the plan to rewrite American History in Texas. 
Texas had 4.8 million textbook reading school children in 2011. Much of the country uses their textbooks which is why the amendments they propose and pass effect so many. 
Texas originally gained control by paying 100% of the costs of all public school textbooks, as long as they were approved by their board. Money once again repressing education in the states. The whole process is a sham, and once had the "New Deal" tossed out of our history.
Starting in 2010 and still moving are the following changes that not only distort history, but brainwash the students into ideology instead of critical thinking. 
Everyone still remembers Thomas Jefferson being deleted. In the section of great Enlightenment thinkers, John Locke, Thomas Hobbes and others were all removed from the books. Jefferson was finally put back in, but they removed the word "Enlightenment," which greatly changes the context of his contributions. The philosophers were replaced with religious leaders like Aquinas; which should have horrified every atheist in the country. 
Religious freedom barely a footnote, christianity is where it is at.
No more capitalism, it is now the free enterprise system. Sounds so much nicer doesn't it?
No talk about progressive or minority issues, instead it focuses on the conservative resurgence of the 80's and 90's. The Moral Majority, the NRA and the Heritage Foundation, all heroes in our new history. And please give Reagan much more coverage, after all, he defeated communism.
Now students must learn about the unintended consequences of the Great Society. You know, affirmative action and Title IX. Wasn't really that great I guess.
McCarthy was right, there were communists infiltrating our government.
Hip Hop doesn't exist, we should go back to the gold standard, etc.
A big win for conservatism if this garbage is being taught across much of the country. 
Whether it is about science, history or any other part of the education system, should we allow any ideological rewrites? They now include on the subject of evolution thatchildren consider gaps in the fossil records and if natural selection is enough to explain the complexity of human cells. 
I have to get a hold of some local textbooks and check it out. I remember the outrage at the time, but I don't remember much being changed. Can you imagine a whole generation of Americans that you can't find common ground with?
Planet Politics
The crisis in Europe continues, and Americans get a front row seat to see what austerity measures do to a populace. 
Spain's third largest bank, Bankia, was the benefactor of a public bailout to the tune of 23 billion euros. We know this story, banks profit always, the public loses; always. There as here, we have some who protest. Three cantaora singers entered the bank and began singing cante jondo, Andalusion gypsy songs of grief, pain and protest. I like.
It would seem to be the usual work of greed, but what is different than what Americans are used to is that there is an investigation into the bank's tactics; maybe they will get justice while we wait? Only months after Bankia's IPO, they were filing bankruptcy. The High Court is investigating allegations of fraud. 
Greece has decided that unchecked capitalism is the way to go. They intend to privatize natural gas and water, hell; Greece is up for sale. International investors will be in control of their natural resources soon. 
France is also selling off government run or supported entities. Capitalism is alive and well on the European continent, no matter who they elect. They do appear to have laws on the books to prevent unchecked capitalism, but their way of life is changing like the rest of the world's is.
Interesting enough, Finland isn't putting up with the crisis. They still have a triple A rating and according to their finance minister, will leave the eurozone instead of contributing to the collapse. If anyone gets a hand from them, they better come up with collateral. 
Italy is trying to drive a hard bargain by insisting that borrowing costs be reduced. Good luck with that.
These tidbits all center around one thought, austerity measures. I think it would be a good thing for us all to watch how that plays out.