Sunday, May 20, 2012

Planet Politics
Mitt's past is right in step with the republican party.
 Bullying is what it's all about; a new target every week. I think everyone should keep in mind that when Mitt was asked about the incident, he actually chuckled as he talked about his prankster days.
Strike one; you don't laugh about bullying. Secondly, though the incident left horrifying memories for the witnesses, Mitt doesn't even remember. Either he committed so many of these, "pranks," that he can't remember all the faces, or he never felt that bullying and attacking another person is anything bad. Strike two; takes a cold man to ignore another's pain. Then there's the so-called apology. “If anybody was hurt by that or offended; obviously I apologize.” Strike three; apparently he doesn't have any remorse
Just who we need to lead the country.
Governor Walker of Wisconsin is leading Barrett by six points in the
latest poll, and two thirds of his war chest is from
out of state big donors. Thank the Supreme Court's ruling on Citizen's United. Money rules.
Vice-President Biden has started to
campaign. His, "these guys don't get us," is a message that may resonate with blue collar workers. Biden is a weapon that needs to be used more often.
In Arizona, where they can now claim to be the, "most lame state in the union," the birther issue is again at the forefront of conservative politics. The state's second in command, Secretary of State Ken Bennet, is now not sure that the President is a U.S. citizen and
wants to keep him off the ballot. He says he had to take the stance because of 1,200 emails he received after crazed Sheriff Joe Arpaio's nonsensical investigation. Senator McCain says Obama will remain on the ballot and I would think he is right.
The House passed a
defense budget that contradicts last years agreement with the President on the deficit. No surprise there, why would anyone believe a conservative would honor his word?
Greece may be heading in a totally different direction than the rest of Western Europe.
Alexis Tsipras is looking to get the most votes on the June 17 election. "It's a war between people and capitalism," is his mantra.
Michigan is watching the Wisconsin governor's recall election closely. With a similar attempt being made to oust their own tea party governor. Governor Rick Snyder has actively worked against having a democracy in Michigan by using Emergency Financial Managers to take over local governments. His eminence decided to take a walk in Benton Harbor's Blossomtime Parade.

Wicked Women
The Friday before last the state
rolled back access to contraceptives for women. This one is a Separation of Church and State issue; it allows religious employers to restrict access.
Friday before that they
defunded Planned Parenthood. In spite of the fact that public funds for abortion are already restricted.
The month before they decide when you may have an abortion, (if you could find anyone that would give you one). Pregnancy starts before a
child has been conceived.
Here you need to
wait three days before you can have an abortion. There are many comments on this one, mostly mocking the legislation. The reasoning behind the law is that women can contemplate the ramifications of their decision. You know, because they didn't think about it at all before wanting the procedure.
The House has given final passage to a bill that would
ban insurance coverage for an abortion. They are also moving on a bill to restrict abortions by mandating physicians have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals and more.
Doctors can lie to women about their babies health and not be sued. If your baby has birth defects,
they can omit that information so you will not have an abortion, and you can't even take them to court for doing so. At the same time, doctors
can be sued for performing an abortion. If he didn't do an ultrasound, didn't give pamphlets concerning abortions to patients and more.
Kansas:A 69 page anti-abortion bill passes the legislature and Governor Sam Brownback says he will sign, even though he hasn't read it. A sales tax on abortion, establishing when personhood begins, and even mandates that doctors spread the lie that abortions cause breast cancer.
Passes abortion bill that criminalizes the act after 20 weeks, no exemptions for rape or incest. Called the "Women as Livestock," bill, it is a disaster.
Washington, D.C.:
The face of evil pictured is Arizona's Congressman Trent Franks. He is trying to impose anti-abortion laws on the
District of Columbia. Why is someone from Arizona trying to impose their beliefs on the District of Columbia is the question.

Education Enemies
The enemy is capitalism. It allows public schools to be shut down as private enterprise takes over.
In Philadelphia forty public schools are set to close this year and sixty-four in all by 2017. This is an informative article on public school closings in major cities and elsewhere that, for the most part, are targeting poor and ethnic students.
For-profit schools are scamming the military now. Swindles and hoodwinks rampant. When the President has to step in, you know there's something wrong.
anti-science law is old news, but shows how religious ideology is making inroads into public education. The good news is that the legislation is failing in other states.
In Oklahoma two
anti-science bills failed. Apparently the Oklahomans for Excellence in Science Education won this round.
In New Hampshire, the,"
Evolution is a a Theory," bill was shot down. This one included a provision that included informing the students on the theorist's political and ideological viewpoints and their thoughts on atheism.
A recent
attack on education in Alabama has recently failed as well. Representative Blaine Galliher sponsored a measure that would allow public schools to establish creationism courses that students could take off campus and earn credits for those courses.
There is another way that the education system in this country is being sabotaged, and that is by attacking teachers. I think this is where my attention will be for awhile. If you get rid of well payed educators, you get rid of well educated students. As I've stated, the privatization of the public education system is about profits only. The way to increase profits is to destroy unions and benefits that protect the pool of educators. Less pay and benefits equals less qualified teachers.
No matter what you hear, you get what you pay for.
If you have inaccessible higher education because of cost, you have a developing nation of ignorance.

Ecosystem Earth
Fracking is still being investigated.
recent study hows how fracking could impact our water supply. Hint; it has to do with abandoned wells and the well itself.
Another new study shows that the more fracking we do, the better a job we do at it and the less of an impact the process will have on the environment. This study is from the University at
Buffalo's Shale Resources and Society Institute. Go ahead and read the nonsense if you want, but I suggest scanning the article and clicking on the bios of those who did the study. If you do, you will find that everyone of these fools is working for an Energy company or the CATO Institute. No truth to be found here.
I bring this up because it's starting to feel like climate science. Bring in the industry and lobbying, "experts," to defend profits from science. Why is it that we allow those who have a conflict of interest publish anything?
France banned fracking last year, Vermont is the first state to
ban fracking in the U.S., though that procedure hadn't been used in the state as of yet. A complete source of perceived problems with the procedure can be found at
Something new for doone's, "The Beer Facts," discussion. Brooklynites against fracking. The
Brooklyn Brewery brewmeister warns against the toxins that could be in a beer near you soon.

Occupy Oasis
In education,
Quebec students still upset. How do you deal with the protests? End classes early and hope that the protests stop. 122 students have been arrested so far. The emergency laws and masks ban have been ineffectual in stopping the protests. Yesterday, 69 protestors were arrested.
In the United States, college tuition has increased 500 percent since Reagan; did your income keep up?
My favorite
Occupy story this week has to do with Occupy the Farm at University of California's Gill Tract. As an educational tool and as an example for other communities, it seems to be well intentioned. What if there was no land for you to farm? What if all land that could be used for agriculture is owned by corporations? Though most of us are at ease with our food sources and have no intention of farming, what if you didn't have that choice? An interesting story on many fronts.
In New York,
Occupy legal battles seem to be helping the protestors. Apparently arrests are being made that are being overturned by videos of the arrest.

Final Fixations
The Martin/Zimmerman case is still grabbing headlines. They found trace amounts of THC in Martin's blood.
Some spin that information by simply saying Tayvon Martin had marijuana in his system the night he was shot. If it was trace elements it would mean he hadn't smoke an a while, or seldom smokes. If he was high that night he wouldn't be aggressive. Useless data. What makes it even more nonsensical is that Zimmerman was
not tested for drugs the night of the shooting.
The National Review's Andrew McCarthy seems to think this fully
exonerates Zimmerman. Adam Serwer has an interesting take on the thought, comparing rape with the incident. Martin deserved to be shot because he was high, much like the
woman rape victim, "had it coming," debates of the past. Interesting analogy.
Some people are excited about the news that more, "minority," babies were
born than white in the U.S. for the first time. Am I the only one that realizes that some non-white babies are being born to white mothers or fathers? So many mixed relationships out there effect this statistic. Some may look at this as a threat, (like those supporting keep them women pregnant contraceptive laws), while others realize it's a normal progression. We will not be a white or black country in the future, but we will be a mixed heritage populace of browns.
Maybe some day the little ones will grow up to rule the world.
Could happen.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

The big news this week was made by President Obama. For the first time, an American President has fully endorsed gay marriage. Why is this statement, "It is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same-sex couples should be able to get married," so important? A couple of quick reasons for you. First, it will become part of the democratic party platform. Secondly it makes it easier for some leaders of the world to embrace the thought and pressures others into acceptance. There are many reasons this is important, civil rights for millions is one heck of a progressive accomplishment.
Christian conservative groups are circling the wagons. If there is one word that defines that group it would be "intolerance." Beside pastors getting ready to whine on Sunday, activists across the country intend to use this issue to help get out the vote for Romney. NOM believes this will be the issue that defeats President Obama.
Might have to give a little credit to the VP as well, when the, "blue collar," guy says it's okay, it helps.
Mitt Romney, who now appears to be nothing more than the local bully, burns that image into our minds as he dismisses gay marriage. He's got the one percent look, animal lovers he disgusts and now he would squash civil liberties. Doesn't appear to be a winning plan.
In Wisconsin the democratic challenger to Governor Walker has been chosen. Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett will face Governor Walker in a June election. The anti-Walker sentiment in the state could possibly give Barrett the win. 
The Tea Party cretins are at it again. Scot Boston, a Tea Party activist, (think bully), threatens Senator Claire McCaskill. At a recent rally he stated, “She walks around like she’s some sort of Rainbow Brite Care Bear or something but really she’s an evil monster.” Then, “We have to kill the Claire Bear.” That's good for some extra security.
I think most of us understand that the Tea Party is out of control. The bully arm of the conservative party has outlived its usefulness; if they ever really had any.
Take these statements
"Here is a gentle reminder and "review" of why we should do everything in our power to stifle the notion that mankind can do anything to control the forces of nature!!!! Give me a break!!! How arrogant is that? If in fact, there is global warming (which hasn't been warming for the past 10 years), it isn't due to our CO2 emissions. On the contrary, it is just a normal cycle of God's naturally occurring events."
The Tea Party is anti-science.
Then there's the protests in front of the Supreme Court while the health care mandate was being debated. Anyone that gives it a moment's thought realizes that all humans will need health care at one time in their life or another.
The Tea Party is anti-humanity.
The party's connection with religion can not be doubted. The strongest predictor that a person would be a member of the Tea Party is directly related to his religiosity. 
The Tea Party promotes delusion.
The group works against so called, "moderate," republicans. It is not good enough to be conservative, you have to be so far to the right that you never consider the oppositions views. 
The Tea Party has no wish to negotiate and that effects us every day.
If you think god controls everything, and you have the backing, you can also introduce bills in state legislatures that destroy the green movement. In AZ, (Always AZ), a tea party backed bill guts sustainable energy programs and advances.
The Tea Party is anti-earth.
There is not enough space or time to highlight all the nonsense that comes from this bought and paid for movement. From the, "Protect Our Borders," and, "If you can't stand behind our troops feel free to stand in front," bumper stickers, to their arrogant views on social issues, there's only one thing that can be said.
Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be tea party losers.

Governing Gays
First off, in a secular country, there should be no difference between governing gays and governing citizens; yet there is. Apparently we have decided to depend on a rule of law that separates the populace into groups; is this not the crux of the problem?
In the dark ages state of North Carolina, they voted on defending marriage from the gay onslaught. The happy voters were driven to the polls in magic pumpkin carriages down torchlit muddy streets to make their mark on one of the great stone tablets in place. They were highly disappointed when god did not make an appearance.
In Richmond, Virginia, you can't be openly gay and be a judge. Tracy Thorne-Begland was tossed out of the navy twenty years ago. He has been nominated to serve as a judge for the city's 13th General District Court. The fine, morally challenged, Family Foundation of Virginia, is having none of this. 
In the fine state of Missouri, a school board member by the name of Hardy Billington makes the false claim that gay people, whatever the gender, lose up to 30 years of lifespan. Being gay is worse than smoking, and being a retard is noble.
The Catholic League is suggesting that maybe Obama's, "evolving," views on marriage will next include polygamy. There's a definite lack of reality by every religion on this subject.
Wicked Women
Oh you ladies. Sitting around all smug and stuff thinking you've joined hands with the other gender in deciding your fate. Not yet.
In the state of Missouri, that I mistakenly called, "fine," earlier, women will no longer be trained to fill government positions. Funding will end for the nonpartisan Sue Shear Institute for Women in Public Life at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. Republicans say it, "churns out liberal female democrats," and we aren't standing for it!
You're not paranoid, the christian right and conservatives are out to get you. 
Preacher Jesse Lee Peterson spent 10 minutes in a March sermon on how women have destroyed America. Says allowing women to vote was, "one of the greatest mistakes that America made." 
I'm not thinking he's on your side.
Conservatives love you and know what is best for you. 
More than half of all reproductive age females now live in states hostile to abortion rights. Life is good only if you're not living in one of these conservative havens.
I missed this story about Melissa Gates. Apparently she is setting herself up to be the newest target of he religious right. Contraceptives and family planning is her newest endeavor. A worthy act and a worthy read. Contraceptive improvements and availability are at a standstill worldwide, she intends to reverse that trend.
Hallowed Hate
In Florida, a White Supremacist leader and his followers were arrested. Militias; in the constitution and as part of the conservative mindset, is bringing hate to a town near you. They are not using the term I'm using, "militia," because of it's honored status. But if you're training members in military operations, you're a damn militia.
Some are thinking that, "stand your ground," laws are for whites only. I tend to agree.
The hate group, "One Million Moms,' is after J.C. Penny again. After the boycott stopped over the hiring of Ellen DeGeneres as a spokesperson, the boycott is in full swing again because of a photo in their magazine showing a happy same sex couple with their children. Not sure why the group feels they must force their insanity on the rest of us, but go ahead and make some noise; because that's all it is, noise.
Fun study from last month; The more Walmarts in the area the more hate groups there are. 
Religious hate groups are the worst. They hate everyone. Louden County Virginia, the richest county in the country, is the host to a newly designated hate group, "Public Advocate of the United States." The groups leader is republican County Supervisor Eugene Delgaudio. The mission? Prayer in schools, anti-abortion, boy scouts and opposing gay marriage. 
Sounds like your average southern conservative to me. 
Final Fixation
Is this really that incomprehensible? If you think conservatives are too lazy to understand you would be wrong. They understand the theory and they understand how it will effect big business. They have chosen, money over life.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Planet Politics
I don't think you can overstate the importance of Wisconsin's recall election that will occur in June. This will be a pivotal point for the election year. If he's gone, conservatives should start sweating. If he stays we know that big money now controls the country. Seven wealthy donors have recently bestowed a million dollars on Walker's campaign. What is at least as intriguing as the money, is that the donors for the most part come from out of state. For some reason Nevada, Arkansas, Massachusetts, Illinois and Michigan want to decide the fate of the state. It is interesting as well that Walker is putting money aside for his legal defense if federally prosecuted.
At the GOP convention in Tampa, concealed handguns will be allowed, waters guns not. Apparently shooting to kill is fine, shooting to embarrass; not so much. 
Europe has had a rise in conservative thinking as well. The austerity measures that have been imposed are bringing people onto the streets, and is causing a, "brain drain," for the southern European countries hit hard by those measures. Since austerity has in no way helped the populace, perhaps Europe will make a huge swing to the left. 
In France, President Sarkozy has been swinging hard to the right with anti-immigration and nationalism stands, hoping to grab die hard conservatives. His rival, Francois Hollande, leads in France's opinion polls. Sarkozy is using American conservative tactics, he ignores the big issues of unemployment, the financial crisis and standards of living. No substance to his campaign. 
In Greece, elections will not change the country. Next week there will be a new government, but what that will look like is hard to say. A very divisive election that is sending greeks who are tired of austerity measures to fringe parties. Really? A neo-Nazi party?
In Britain's local elections, the Labour party has made a comeback. They gained 823 seats in the election. Another rebuke to austerity measures in England. This might be a preview to the 2015 national elections.
In Egypt tens of thousands of protestors were greeted with tear gas, water cannons and makeshift rock missiles. The Arab spring ignited many protests around the world, but apparently is not having the desired effect. Islamist hard right leaders have been elected, the currency is failing and the general populace is still being killed. The problem there is the military involvement. 
The world is on fire.
One of our closest neighbors, Mexico, is still talking about the drug wars. In this case, war is definitely the correct term; people are dying. Ex-President Vincente Fox calls the war, "useless," and, "an absolute failure." Reality strikes home. Supplies are stable, violence is escalating and it's all because of the U.S. criminalizing use. 50,000 deaths have occurred during the last 5 1/2 years due to the current president's crackdown. 
Americans know the war on drugs has failed, though the government still seems to think it's accomplishing something. The accomplishments of the war? Jail teenagers and non-violent offenders, increase the number of judges, police, attorneys, prison guards and privatized prisons in this country. I think I've already mentioned what controls this country.
Interesting fact of the day, California spends more money on imprisoning citizens than educating them.
Wicked Women
They're everywhere these days. In the U.S the conservative campaign against equal rights continues. Recently Representative Boehner railed against the thought that there is a, "war," against women being waged while new bills hit the floor introduced by the GOP that seek to cut cervical and breast cancer screenings. Apparently denial is the plan.
Interesting article that looks at battles that are perhaps overlooked when discussing women's rights. Lack of paid parental leave, shackling of pregnant women, abstinence-only education and more. Whatever part of life you examine concerning women, there seems to be coordinated cultural attacks.
Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott rants about Planned Parenthood being a terrorist organization to no avail, planned parenthood funding is resumed.
In the U.S., the battle is slightly more subdued than in other countries. As we've discussed on this site, Mona Eltahawy's article on Islamist misogyny is raising new concerns over the treatment of women in the Middle East. Very interesting reading.
In Mississippi, the only black member of the state's board of health was fired. This in the state that has the worst infant mortality rate. According to stats, black females have close to a 15 percent child mortality rate. The gentlemen who was fired is Dr. Carl Reddix. Dr. Reddix was trained at Harvard and John Hopkins and is well suited for the position. With MS's high infant mortality rate, he should have been an easy selection; the man's an OB/GYN. Apparently he had a very loose relationship with the only facility that provides women's health care, and we know how disgusted conservatives are when it comes to women.
Wicked women are having a little fun in Russia, and may possibly pay the price. Trying to bring awareness of separation of church and state ideals, and railing against Putin, the feminist punk band Pussy Riot gave a fun performance at the Christ the Savior Cathedral. Three members have been arrested, two have young children; all are incarcerated. 

Preference Politics
We've been enjoying Dan Savage's rant against the bible for a few days on this site. The video was posted in the comment section of the USA & WORLD News group, (which I always follow to get ideas for this blog). The bible is at the center of the politics surrounding gay marriage. 
North Carolina will likely pass a ban against gay marriage soon. Considering that Billy Graham supports the bill, we know it's religious bigotry and intolerance. In many states, you can still legally marry your first cousin, but marrying your same sex cousin is not going to happen. I know there are many who will not see the humor in this, but marrying your same sex cousin is less likely to encourage genetic problems than marrying one of the opposite gender.
America can't seem to climb out of the religious sewage that's stinking up the place. Every action by the religious is an act of cowardice. For those interested in how religious bullying effects our citizens, check out the, "It Gets Better," group. My knowledge of the problem is not as well formed as those who are the brunt of the attacks.
Education Enemies
Right wing think tank, "The Heartland Institute," decided to attack the upcoming, "7th International Conference on Climate Change." A billboard campaign featuring terrorists and killers ended quickly. The sick and idiotic message states, "I Still Believe In Global Warming, Do you?" Supposedly this was to counter, "climate alarmists," by playing the same game. They are proud to counter science with falsehoods.
Here's a great quote from the money worshippers:
"The people who still believe in man-made global warming are mostly on the radical fringe of society. This is why the most prominent advocates of global warming aren't scientists. They are murderers, tyrants, and madmen."
People's Protest
The Occupy movement is still in full swing, though you wouldn't know it from the media. Some pundits claims there were a few hundred protestors, while actually there were tens of thousands.
A troubling thought has surfaced. There are accusations that NY police are now sexually assaulting female protestors. If true, we've found a new low in police tactics. 
Our north of the border friends are discussing the student uprising in Quebec, another important facet of the world wide uprising. 
Since the beginning of the OWS protests, over 7,000 arrests have been made. The media, the government and everyone else is doing their best to ignore or downplay the movement. It must scare the powers to be to no end. 
The best coverage seems to be coming from outside the U.S. for some unknown reason. Well, unknown only if you don't think about it.
Polluted Planet
Keely started a discussion on coral reefs that is fascinating and horrifying at the same time. Thousands of pieces of coral are being ripped out of their watery homes and being sold. Climate change effects coral as well.
I do not understand our preoccupation with killing that which our survival depends on. Destroying one part of the ecosystem will destroy the rest. 
I have read several article on coral reefs and their possible extinction as man continues to pollute. I have read an article that states coral reefs will naturally protect themselves from a warming planet. Another recent article seems to disagree. Okay science people, help me out here. 
Final Fixations
Is there ever a reason that seniors should ever be hungry? In the last decade there has been a 78 percent rise of seniors who may go hungry. If we are a christian nation, christians must suck.
One in seven people worldwide thinks the world will end in their lifetime. Apparently millions will be disappointed.
Nugent watch! Old, washed up, has been, misogynist rocker calls liberals brain dead and cusses out news team. Please Ted, take a break. 
Happy Cinco de Mayo, mas tequila!